
AntAntics has 40 ant colonies and 80 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Aphaenogaster dulcineae

Aphaenogaster dulcineae

£14.99 - £19.99

Camponotus cruentatus

Camponotus cruentatus - Carpenter Ant


Camponotus sanctus

Camponotus sanctus - African Carpenter Ant

Recently updated

Goniomma hispanicum

Goniomma hispanicum

Recently updated

Messor arenarius

Messor arenarius - XL Harvester Ant


Messor hebraeus

Messor hebraeus - The Bicoloured Harvester Ant


Myrmicaria birmana

Myrmicaria birmana - Arched Ant

Recently updated

Tetramorium impurum

Tetramorium impurum | The Enslaved Species


Tetramorium semilaeve

Tetramorium semilaeve - Yellow Pavement Ant

£10.99 - £12.99

Acromyrmex octospinosus

Acromyrmex Octospinosus - Leafcutter

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Atta cephalotes

Atta cephalotes - Leafcutter Ant

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Atta mexicana

Atta Mexicana - Leafcutter

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Atta texana

Atta Texana - Leafcutter

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Camponotus americanus

Camponotus Americanus - Carpenter

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Camponotus ca02

Camponotus CA02 - Carpenter Ant

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Camponotus cinctellus

Camponotus Cinctellus - Shiny Sugar Ant

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Camponotus consobrinus

Camponotus Consobrinus - Banded Sugar Ant

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Camponotus fedtschenkoi

Camponotus fedtschenkoi - Rare Black Variation

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Camponotus irritabilis

Camponotus Irritabilis - New World Hunter

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Camponotus laevigatus

Camponotus laevigatus - Carpenter Ant

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Camponotus maculatus

Camponotus Maculatus

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Camponotus parius

Camponotus parius - Shimmering Carpenter Ant

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Camponotus sansabeanus

Camponotus Sansabeanus - Carpenter

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Carebara affinis

Carebara affinis - Amber Marauders

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Camponotus nicobarensis

Founding Kit (Camponotus nicobarensis) v2

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Iridomyrmex anceps

Iridomyrmex Anceps - Asian Meat Ant

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Iridomyrmex purpureus

Iridomyrmex purpureus - Meat Ant

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Manica rubida

Manica rubida - EU Fire Ants

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Messor bouvieri

Messor bouvieri - Harvester Ant

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Messor capitatus

Messor capitatus - Harvester Ant

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Messor cephalotes

Messor Cephalotes

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Messor ibericus

Messor ibericus - Harvester Ant

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Myopopone castanea

Myopopone Castanea -Rare

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Myrmecocystus kathjuli

Myrmecocystus kathjuli (Honey Pot Ant)

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Myrmecocystus mexicanus

Myrmecocystus mexicanus (Honey Pot Ant)

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Myrmecocystus mimicus

Myrmecocystus mimicus - Honey Pot Ant

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Myrmecocystus navajo

Myrmecocystus navajo (Yellow Honey Pot Ant)

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Myrmecocystus romainei

Myrmecocystus romaines (Honey Pot Ant)

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Novomessor albisetosus

Novomessor albisetosus - Red Long legged Harvester Ant

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Nylanderia rosae

Nylanderia rosae (Australian Black Crazy Ants)

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Odontomachus simillimus

Odontomachus simillimus - Trapjaw Ant

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Pheidole megacephala

Pheidole megacephala - Inbreeding Ant

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Pheidole singaporensis

Pheidole singaporensis - Big Headed Ant

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Pogonomyrmex rugosus

Pogonomyrmex rugosus - Dessert Harvester Ant

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Polyrhachis proxima

Polyrhachis Proxima - Golden

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Polyrhachis vermiculosa

Polyrhachis Vermiculosa - Golden Tailed Spiny Ant

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Ponera coarctata

Ponera coarctata - Rare

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Proformica ferreri

Proformica Ferreri - EU Honeypot Ant

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Proformica nasuta

Proformica nasuta - Snout Ant

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Rhytidoponera metallica

Rhytidoponera metallica - Green Headed Ant

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Solenopsis fugax

Solenopsis Fugax - TheThief Ant

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Tapinoma melanocephalum

Tapinoma melanocephalum | Ghost Ants

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Tetraponera nigra

Tetraponera nigra - The Arboreal Stinging Ant

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inventory All other products

Ant Antics Vinyl Sticker x2


Antcon 2024 Badge


Antcon 2024 pen


Antcon T.Shirt


Bwthyn Bach (Little Cottage Nest) V2


Byd Bach (Tiny World)


Byd bach V2


Byd Bach | rear pipe adaptor


Byd Bach | rear test tube adaptor


Byd Enfawr (Large Outworld V2)


Camponotus Myrmamblys - Undescribed Species


Cartref Bach (1 Port Small Nest) V2

Recently updated

Cartref Bach (3 Port Small Nest) V2


Cartref Bach un (3 Port 1 colour Small Nest) V2


Cartref Canolig (Medium Nest) V2


Cartref Cyntaf V2 | Founding Nest


Cartref Mawr (Large Nest) V2


Chia Seeds (Harvester Ants)


Cotton Wool Balls (5)


Cuddio (Hide)


Cysylltydd 4 | 4 Way Connector Hub


Decorative Stones

£1.99 - £3.99

Exotics Keeper Magazine (Jan 2025 edition)


Hibernation Delay Service


Large Feeding Bowl


Linseed Mix

£0.99 - £3.97

Live Mealworms

£0.99 - £2.99

Long term boarding


Medium Feeding Bowl


Mini feeding tray


Nest Cover | Bwthyn Bach

£1.99 - £2.99

Nest Cover | Cartref Bach


Nest Cover | Cartref Canolig


Nest Cover | Cartref Cyntaf


Nest Cover | Cartref Mawr


Organic Dried Flowers


Organic Pine Tree Resin 5g



£0.39 - £1.19
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Polyrhachis nest material (Weaving ants)


Product Personalisation | Acrylic engraving

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Prorep Coco Brick 150g


Seeds Mix

£3.99 - £6.99

Silent Crickets (medium size)

£0.99 - £2.79

Slippy Feet - Oil Base - 10ml


Slippy Feet - Powder Base - 10ml

£3.49 - £17.99

Small Feeding Bowl


Small Weaver Outworld | Byd bach y gwehyddwr


Snaps Feeder - 3ml


Snaps.Refined | Pure Sugar Snaps


Soft Ant-Handling Tweezers


Spare Screws (6 pack)


Substrate | Grey

£2.99 - £16.99

Substrate | Natural

£2.99 - £16.99

Sugar Snaps - Blue Raspberry Slushie


Sugar Snaps - Carrot Cake


Sugar Snaps - Original Banana


Sugar Snaps - Plum


Sugar Snaps - Ripe Melon


Sugar Snaps - Strawberry Swirls


Terrarium Soil

£2.99 - £29.99

Test tube inserts


The Weaver One - Weaver tube & holder


The Weaver Six - Weaver tower


V2 Connector | Blanking Cap


V2 Connector | Nest to Nest


V2 Connector | Nest to Pipe


V2 Connector | Nest to Tube


Y Popeth - The Everything


Antcon Mug

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Antkeeper Magazine 1

Out of Stock!

Antkeeper Magazine 2

Out of Stock!

Antkeeper Magazine 3

Out of Stock!

Antkeeper Magazine 4

Out of Stock!

Antkeeper Magazine 5

Out of Stock!

Antkeeper Magazine 6

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Bluetooth Smart Monitor

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Camponotus slyvaticus - Carpenter Ant

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Drainage Layer | Red

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Drainage Layer | White

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Exo Terra Forest Floor (2in1)

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Exo Terra Thermostat (100w)

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Feeding set - Valentines Edition

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Festive bowls and Feeders

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Festive Byd Mini (Mini Outworld V2)

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Festive Byd Mini kit

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Festive Cartref Bach (3 Port Small Nest) V2

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Festive Cartref Cyntaf | Founding Nest Set

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Festive Y Popeth | Limited Edition

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Grass Seed

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Kalotermes Flavicollis - Termite King & Queen

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Leptothorax Acevorum - Sociable Ants

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Odontotermes formosanus - Fungus Growing Termite

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Polyrhachis bihamarta - Fish-Hook Ant

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Prorep Cloth Heat Mat 6w

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PVC Flexible Tube

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Red Acetate A5 | A4

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ReptiZoo Deluxe Thermostat & Heat Mat 6w

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Reticulitermes grassei - Termites

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Reverse Action Tweezers

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Snaps Feeder - 5ml

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Substrate | Red

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Temperature Monitor

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Test Tube Cleaning Hook

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Valentines Bowls

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Valentines Bwthyn Bach (Little Cottage Nest) V2

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Valentines Byd Mini kit

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Valentines Cartref Cyntaf | Founding Nest Set

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Valentines Y Popeth - The Everything

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Wera Hex Driver

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