
AntDealer has 25 ant colonies and 25 other products in stock.

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category Products

ant Ant colonies

Camponotus ligniperda

Camponotus ligniperdus


Cataglyphis nodus

Cataglyphis nodus


Messor barbarus

Messor barbarus


Myrmecia nigrocincta

Myrmecia nigrocincta


Dinomyrmex gigas

Dinomyrmex gigas

Out of Stock!

Harpegnathos venator

Harpegnathos venator

Out of Stock!

Neoponera villosa

Neoponera villosa

Out of Stock!

Oecophylla smaragdina

Oecophylla smaragdina (Australien)

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

Ameisenarena "Ägypten"


Ameisenarena 105


Ameisenarena 140


Ameisenarena Cube 80


Ameisenarena deluxe


Formikarium "Ägypten"


Formikarium "minimal" 2.0


Formikarium "Stockwerk"


Formikarium "unterTage"


Formikarium Stone small


Komplettset "ants-to-go" 1


Komplettset "ants-to-go" 2


Komplettset "ants-to-go" 3


Komplettset "city"


Komplettset "Fantasialand Cube"


Komplettset "Fantasialand"


Komplettset "Im Tal der Pharaonen"


Komplettset "Stone"


Komplettset "Unter Tage"


Komplettset AntHouse "Smart II"


Komplettset Premium "Maisonette"


Mystery Box 1.0


Mystery Box 2.0


Ameisenkomplettset deluxe "Ameisenfarm Kork"

Out of Stock!

Ameisennest Labyrinth

Out of Stock!

Formikarium "minimal"

Out of Stock!

Komplettset "Labyrinth"

Out of Stock!

Komplettset AntHouse "Smart"

Out of Stock!

Komplettset Premium "Cube"

Out of Stock!