Ant Farm Supplies

Ant Farm Supplies has 0 ant colonies and 48 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Camponotus japonicus

Camponotus japonicus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus nicobarensis

Camponotus nicobarensis

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Lasius niger

Lasius niger - Black garden ant

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Messor barbarus

Messor barbarus (Harvester Ant)

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inventory All other products

5 Test Tubes


AFS Feather-weight tweezers


AFS Outworld - L


AFS Outworld - M v3

£19.99 - £25.98

AFS outworld - S v3

£10.99 - £16.98

AFS outworld - XS v3

£9.99 - £15.98

AFS Weaver outworld

£60.00 - £80.00

Ant bowl


Ant Farm Supplies - Gift Card

£25.00 - £100.00

Anti-vibration test tube stack

£7.99 - £18.00



Bamboo test tubes

£6.99 - £11.00

Down the Ant Hill Outworld

£18.00 - £20.00

Fluon PTFE - Escape barrier


Founding Terra v3

£10.99 - £14.49

Harvester ant seed mix

£2.49 - £6.99

Hydrometer Terra v3 add-on


L Terra Stacking set


Liquid bowls

£1.00 - £3.50

Liquid feeders

£1.25 - £2.50

M Terra Stacking set


Micro Founding Terra v3

£5.00 - £16.49

Pack of 3 x 3ml pipettes


Protein jelly pots

£1.00 - £5.00

PVC Tubing

£0.50 - £1.00



Stacking connectors


Sugar snaps - Banana

£2.19 - £9.99

Sugar snaps - Blue Raspberry Slushie

£2.19 - £9.99

Sugar snaps - Carrot cake

£2.19 - £9.99

Sugar snaps - Melon

£2.19 - £9.99

Sugar snaps - Plum

£2.19 - £9.99

Sugar snaps - Refined

£2.19 - £9.99

Sugar snaps - Strawberry Swirls

£2.19 - £9.99

Terra - L v3


Terra - M v3

£33.99 - £38.48

Terra - M v3 4 way


Terra - S v3

£23.99 - £28.48

Terra - XS v3

£13.99 - £18.48

Terra red tops

£1.00 - £5.00

Terra v3 Bundle no.2


Terra v3 Bundle no.3


Terra v3 Bundle no.4


Terra v3 Starter Bundle

£22.99 - £24.99

Water tower Terra v3 add-on


Weaver add-ons

£0.99 - £4.99

Wicker balls

£2.99 - £3.99

AFS Outworld - XL v3

Out of Stock!