Ants On A Rock

Ants On A Rock has 2 ant colonies and 95 other products in stock.

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category Products

ant Ant colonies

Camponotus herculeanus

Camponotus herculeanus


Camponotus albosparsus

Camponotus albosparsus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus auriventris

Camponotus auriventris

Out of Stock!

Camponotus foreli

Camponotus foreli

Out of Stock!

Camponotus japonicus

Camponotus japonicus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus rufoglaucus

Camponotus rufoglaucus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus sylvaticus

Camponotus sylvaticus

Out of Stock!

Cardiocondyla obscurior

Cardiocondyla obscurior

Out of Stock!

Carebara diversa

Carebara diversa (Asian Marauder Ant)

Out of Stock!

Lasius niger

Lasius niger (Black Garden Ant)

Out of Stock!

Leptothorax spec.

Leptothorax SP

Out of Stock!

Messor angularis

Messor angularis

Out of Stock!

Messor capitatus

Messor capitatus

Out of Stock!

Messor minor

Messor minor hesperius

Out of Stock!

Messor muticus

Messor muticus

Out of Stock!

Monomorium floricola

Monomorium floricola

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis dives

Polyrhachis dives -  5-15 worker colonies

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax spec.

Temnothorax sp (Acorn Ant) 10 - 20W

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

"Ant Safe" Sand Mix

£5.00 - £18.00

"Customisable" Invert Enclosure

£9.99 - £31.99

"Damp" Moss Hide


100ml Small Spray Bottle


A5 Size Red Acetate


Activated Carbon

£5.00 - £10.50

Ant Barrier


Ant Hill Takeover (Board Game)(Test Version)


Anti Drown Bowl


Ants On A Rock Honey 10ML

£3.00 - £11.00

Ants on a Rock Mystery Box

£35.00 - £200.00

Ants on a Rock Substrate Booster

£6.00 - £14.00

AOAR Blackout Box


AOAR Bordered Display


AOAR Junction Box


Assorted Insect temporary Tattoo


Bargain Box


Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)


Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)

£9.99 - £12.99

Coffin Style Founding Chamber


Combo Nest- Outworld Range

£10.00 - £47.00

Cubaris Penguin x15


Cubaris sp "Panda king" x 10-12 individuals


Curved Reptile Bowl



£2.50 - £20.00

Dairy cow isopods (Porcellio laevis) x 25 individuals


Darkling Beetle Morio Worm Starter Kit

£5.50 - £8.50

Double Tube Joiner


Dubia Roach's (Blaptica dubia)

£7.00 - £59.00

Easy feeder

Recently updated

Foldable Mesh Cage


Fresh Living Green Moss

£7.00 - £10.00

Ghana Speckled Leg Millipede (Telodeinopus aoutii)


Gift wrap your items


Grow your own Plant Kit


Heat Bundle


Heat Cable for Vivarium (15w) 3m


Insect colouring book


Invert Accessories Kit


Jumping Spider Box Hide

Recently updated

Jumping Spider Ledges


Lite Nest Range

£5.99 - £36.99

Lite Outworld Range

£5.50 - £24.50

Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches unsexed pair


MealWorms (Feeders)

£7.00 - £25.00

Microclimate Ministat 100 Reptile Thermostat


Name Card & Test Tube Holder

£2.75 - £3.00



Personalised Sign




Plastic Cups with Lids Small Spider Enclosure

£2.50 - £10.50

Plastic Syringe


Plastic Test Tubes

Recently updated

Plastic Tweezers


Porcellio laevis ‘Milkback – Swift" x20


Porcellionides pruinosus Orange "Pied" Isopods x15


Porcellionides pruinosus "Oreo Crumble" x25


porcellionides pruinosus lucky mix x20


Port Liquid Feeder Adaptor

£1.75 - £3.75

Reptile Heating Mat 14W/20W

£24.00 - £27.00
Recently updated

Reptile Jelly Pots

£5.00 - £16.00

Rico Creations Hand Sanitizer


Seed Tower


Shallow Reptile Bowl

Recently updated

Sphagnum Moss

£3.00 - £5.00

Springtails (Collembola)


Starter Kit


Tall Outworld Range

£8.99 - £23.99

Terrarium In A Jar Kit


Test Tube Adapter


Test Tube Liquid Feeder Adaptor

£1.75 - £3.75

Test Tube Rack


Tropical Grey Isopods x 13-15 individuals


Tropical Orange Isopods (Porceillo laevis) x 13-15 individuals


Vinyl Tubing


Wax Worms

£6.50 - £12.50

Xmas baubles

£2.50 - £4.39

Armadillidium depressum (French variant) x 10-12 individuals

Out of Stock!

Armadillidium maculatum "Zebra Isopod" x 10-12 individuals

Out of Stock!

Brunneria borealis "Brunner's mantis"

Out of Stock!

Bumblebee Millipede (Anadenobolus monilicornis)

Out of Stock!

Burmese Beauty Millipede (Spirostreptus species)

Out of Stock!

caribena versicolor

Out of Stock!

Chilobrachys huahini (Asian fawn)

Out of Stock!

Curly Hair (Tlitocatl albopilosus)

Out of Stock!

Cyriocosmus elegans

Out of Stock!

Giant Land Snails

Out of Stock!

Hapalopus formosus (Pumpkin Patch)

Out of Stock!

Hierodula majuscula (Giant Rainforest Mantis)

Out of Stock!

Indian Stick Insects x5

Out of Stock!

Leaf Litter 30cm x 20cm

Out of Stock!

Marbled Mantis SP

Out of Stock!

Myrmeleon (Ant lion)

Out of Stock!

Myronides sp. Peleng Stick Insect

Out of Stock!

Orphnaecus sp. "Panay Blue" Sling 1-5cm

Out of Stock!

Phormingochilus Sp Rufus (Java Tree Tiger)

Out of Stock!

Polyspilota griffini "Griffin Mantis"

Out of Stock!

Porcellio scaber Dalmatian x 10-12 individuals

Out of Stock!

Porcellio scaber lava x 10-12 individuals

Out of Stock!

Porcellio scaber rusty x 10-12 individuals

Out of Stock!

Psalmopoeus cambridgei sling 1-5cm

Out of Stock!

Psalmopoeus reduncus Sling 1-5cm

Out of Stock!

Pterinochilus murinus "RCF" (Orange Bitey Thing)

Out of Stock!

Red Runner Cockroach (Turkestan cockroach) Pack of 25

Out of Stock!

Sphodromantis lineola

Out of Stock!

Sunny Stick Insects "Sungaya inexpectata"

Out of Stock!

Tetrodontophora bielanensis - Giant Blue Springtails x10

Out of Stock!

White Spotted Assassin Bug (Playmeris biguttata)

Out of Stock!

Yuukianura aphoruroides - orange springtails Pack of 25

Out of Stock!

Zebra/Ivory Millipede - Chicobolus Spinigerus

Out of Stock!