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category Products
ant Ant colonies
inventory All other products
"Ant Safe" Sand Mix
£5.00 - £18.00
"Customisable" Invert Enclosure
£9.99 - £31.99
"Damp" Moss Hide
Activated Carbon
£5.00 - £10.50
Ant Barrier
Anti Drown Bowl
Ants on a Rock Ant Candy
£3.50 - £9.99
Ants On A Rock Honey 10ML
£3.00 - £11.00
Ants on a Rock Mystery Box
£35.00 - £200.00
Ants on a Rock Substrate Booster
£6.00 - £14.00
AOAR Blackout Box
AOAR Bordered Display
AOAR Bug Box
£9.99 - £44.99
AOAR Feeding Dish
£0.75 - £2.00
AOAR Junction Box
AOAR Tower nest attachment
£7.99 - £8.99
AOAR Water Tower
£1.50 - £3.75
Assorted Insect temporary Tattoo
Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)
£9.99 - £12.99
City (Décor)
Coffin Style Founding Chamber
Combo Nest- Outworld Range
£10.00 - £47.00
Curved Reptile Bowl
£2.50 - £20.00
Darkling Beetle Morio Worm Starter Kit
£5.50 - £8.50
Décor "Destroyed City"
Décor "Skulls"
£3.50 - £5.00
Recently updated
Décor Tombstone
£2.00 - £5.50
Double Tube Joiner
Dubia Roach's (Blaptica dubia)
£7.00 - £59.00
Flightless Fruit Fly Culture
£3.99 - £28.99
Fresh Living Green Moss
£7.00 - £10.00
Grow your own Plant Kit
Handheld Scoop
£3.75 - £5.25
Jumping Spider Box Hide
Recently updated
Jumping Spider Ledges
Lite Nest Range
£5.99 - £36.99
Lite Outworld Range
£5.50 - £24.50
MealWorms (Feeders)
£7.00 - £25.00
Name Card & Test Tube Holder
£2.75 - £3.00
Personalised Sign
Plastic Cups with Lids Small Spider Enclosure
£2.50 - £10.50
Port Liquid Feeder Adaptor
£1.75 - £3.75
Premium Tubs and Tubes Starter Kit
£9.99 - £19.99
Reptile Heating Mat 14W/20W
£24.00 - £27.00
Reptile hide
£3.00 - £4.50
Recently updated
Reptile Jelly Pots
£5.00 - £16.00
Seed Mix Perfect for Harvesters Ants
£2.00 - £7.00
Seed Tower
Shallow Reptile Bowl
Soil/Sand Nest
£12.50 - £40.50
Recently updated
Sphagnum Moss
£3.00 - £5.00
Starter Kit
Tall Outworld Range
£8.99 - £23.99
Test Tube Adapter
Test Tube Liquid Feeder Adaptor
£1.75 - £3.75
Test Tube Rack
The AOAR BioBox
£37.50 - £57.50
Vinyl Tubing
Wax Worms
£6.50 - £12.50
Waxworm & Roach Bundle
£12.50 - £38.00
Wood Peices
£0.50 - £2.50
Xmas baubles
£2.50 - £4.39
Asian Mantis
Out of Stock!
caribena versicolor
Out of Stock!
Chilobrachys huahini (Asian fawn)
Out of Stock!
Cryptic Mantis
Out of Stock!
Curly Hair (Tlitocatl albopilosus)
Out of Stock!
Giant Land Snails
Out of Stock!
Hand Made (crochet) Ant Teddy
Out of Stock!
Hapalopus formosus (Pumpkin Patch)
Out of Stock!
Phormingochilus Sp Rufus (Java Tree Tiger)
Out of Stock!
Polyspilota griffini "Griffin Mantis"
Out of Stock!
Port Blocker (Stopper)
Out of Stock!
Pterinochilus murinus "RCF" (Orange Bitey Thing)
Out of Stock!
Spiny Flower Mantis
Out of Stock!