
Antsrus has 30 ant colonies and 19 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Acanthomyrmex thailandensis

Acanthomyrmex thailandensis

Recently updated

Camponotus sylvaticus

Camponotus sylvaticus (starter kit)

£22.99 - £23.99
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Linepithema humile

Linepithema humile/Argentine ants

£39.99 - £59.99
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Messor capitatus

Messor capitatus (starter kit)


Myrmecina graminicola

Myrmecina graminicola (Starter kit)


Pogonomyrmex barbatus

Pogonomyrmex barbatus (red harvester ant) (starter kit)


Pseudolasius cibdelus

Pseudolasius cibdelus


Anochetus risii

Anochetus risii (Mini Trap Jaw Ant) Queen with eggs and workers

Out of Stock!

Anoplolepis gracilipes

Anoplolepis gracilipes (Yellow crazy ants)

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Aphaenogaster beccarii

Aphaenogaster beccarii Queen with workers

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Aphaenogaster dulcineae

Aphaenogaster dulcineae (starter kit)

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Aphaenogaster gibbosa

Aphaenogaster gibbosa Queen brood/workers (starter kit)

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Brachymyrmex patagonicus

Brachymyrmex patagonicus

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Camponotus aethiops

Camponotus aethiops (starter kit)

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Camponotus atriceps

Camponotus atriceps

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Camponotus barbaricus

Camponotus barbaricus Queen (starter pack)

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Camponotus fedtschenkoi

Camponotus fedtschenkoi Queen (black/gold) with brood or workers

Out of Stock!

Camponotus flavomarginatus

Camponotus Flavomarginatus Queen with brood or workers

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Camponotus foreli

Camponotus foreli (starter kit)

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Camponotus japonicus

Camponotus Japonicus Queen with workers (starter kit)

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Camponotus lateralis

Camponotus lateralis Queen (starter kit)

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Camponotus rufifemur

Camponotus rufifmur

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Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp (Mexico origin)

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Camponotus thoracicus

Camponotus thoracicus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus vagus

Camponotus vagus Queen with workers (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Camponotus vicinus

Camponotus vicinus Queen with brood or workers

Out of Stock!

Carebara castanea

Carebara castanea (UK Only)

Out of Stock!

Carebara diversa

Carebara diversa

Out of Stock!

Cataglyphis pallida

Cataglyphis pallida (Ghost Desert ants)

Out of Stock!

Cephalotes minutus

Cephalotes minutus (Turtle ants)

Out of Stock!

Crematogaster biroi

Crematogaster biroi queen with brood and 20-30 workers

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Dorymyrmex bicolor

Dorymyrmex bicolor (Bi-colored Pyramid Ant)

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Formica lemani

Formica (Serviformica) lemani Queen with brood or workers (Starter kit)

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Formica cinerea

Formica cinerea (starter kit)

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Formica pratensis

Formica pratensis (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Formica rufa

Formica rufa (red wood ants) Starter kit

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Formica sanguinea

Formica sanguinea queen with fusca slaves (starter kit)

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Formica truncorum

Formica truncorum (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Goniomma hispanicum

Goniomma hispanicum with eggs (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Harpegnathos venator

Harpegnathos venator Queen with workers (UK only)

Out of Stock!

Iberoformica subrufa

Iberoformica subrufa (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Lasius alienus

Lasius alienus Queen with workers (foreign garden ant) (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Lasius brunneus

Lasius brunneus (Starter kit)

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Lasius fuliginosus

Lasius fuliginosus (Dendrolasius) (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Lasius umbratus

Lasius umbratus with lasius niger workers (starter kit)

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Manica rubida

Manica rubida Queen (starter kit)

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Messor cephalotes

Messor Cephalotes (Giant African Harvester ants)

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Messor ibericus

Messor ibericus (starter kit)

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Messor laboriosus

Messor laboriosus (starter kit)

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Messor structor

Messor structor Queen with eggs brood and workers (starter kit)

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Messor wasmanni

Messor wasmanni Queen (starter kit)

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Myopopone castanea

Myopopone castanea

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Myrmecocystus spec.

Myrmecocystus sp (Yellow variant)

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Myrmica ruginodis

Myrmica ruginodis (starter kit)

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Myrmica specioides

Myrmica specioides (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Nylanderia jaegerskioeldi

Nylanderia jaegerskioeldi (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Odontomachus clarus

Odontomachus clarus (Trap Jaws) (Antsrus Exclusive)

Out of Stock!

Odontomachus simillimus

Odontomachus simillimus

Out of Stock!

Odontoponera denticulata

Odontoponera denticulata

Out of Stock!

Odontoponera transversa

Odontoponera transversa

Out of Stock!

Paratopula macta

Paratopula macta (Golden tree ants)

Out of Stock!

Pheidole flaveria

Pheidole flaveria

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Pheidole obtusospinosa

Pheidole obtusospinosa (Rare Big headed ants)

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Pheidole pieli

Pheidole pieli Queen with workers

Out of Stock!

Pheidole sinica

Pheidole sinica Queen with eggs

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Pheidole spathifera

Pheidole spathifera Queen with workers

Out of Stock!

Pheidole sulcaticeps

Pheidole sulcaticeps

Out of Stock!

Plagiolepis pygmaea

Plagiolepis pygmaea (starter kit)

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Pogonomyrmex rugosus

Pogonomyrmex rugosus (desert harvester ant) (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis armata

Polyrhachis armata (Spiny Hook Ant)

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Polyrhachis thrinax

Polyrhachis thrinax (Red weaver ants)

Out of Stock!

Ponera coarctata

Ponera coarctata (starter kit) Rare species

Out of Stock!

Solenopsis fugax

Solenopsis Fugax (starter kit)

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Stigmatomma reclinatum

Stigmatomma reclinatum (Vampire ants)

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Strongylognathus testaceus

Strongylognathus testaceus (Rare) with host colony (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Tapinoma geei

Tapinoma geei

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax angustulus

Temnothorax angustulus (starter kit)

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Temnothorax crassispinus

Temnothorax crassispinus with brood (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax luteus

Temnothorax luteus (starter kit)

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Tetramorium caespitum

Tetramorium caespitum (starter kit)

Out of Stock!

Tetramorium forte

Tetramorium forte (starter kit)

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Tetramorium semilaeve

Tetramorium semilaeve (Pavement ants) (starter kit)

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

14cm stainless steel tweezers (anti static)


Ant Protein Shake (with new V3 packaging) Buy 2 sets and get a 3rd set free!

£2.99 - £5.98

Anti-ant climb formula (oil based 7ml per bottle)


AntsRus Liquid PTFE ™ (anti-insect escape)


Cotton balls (100% cotton)

£0.30 - £0.90

CR2032 battery for Hydrometers.

£1.00 - £4.00

Harvester seeds in tubes or packs organic and chemical free

£1.99 - £7.99

Pack of 5x3ml pipettes (made from virgin polymer plastic)

£0.50 - £1.99

Plastic test tubes 100mmx16mm or 150mmx16mm with caps

£0.45 - £2.45

Camponotus Mega Black (Mexico Origin)

Out of Stock!

Coptotermes formosanus (formosan subterranean termite)

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Myrmecocystus mendex with brood (Bi-coloured Honey pot ant)

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Pericapritermes Sp (Termites mated pair)

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Pheidole noda Colony Queen with brood and workers

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Reticulitermes lucifugus (Italian subterranean termite)

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