
Antsrus has 29 ant colonies and 16 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Lasius umbratus

Lasius umbratus with lasius niger workers (starter kit)

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Strongylognathus testaceus

Strongylognathus testaceus (Rare) with host colony (starter kit)


Anochetus risii

Anochetus risii (Mini Trap Jaw Ant) Queen with eggs and workers

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Aphaenogaster beccarii

Aphaenogaster beccarii Queen with workers

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Aphaenogaster gibbosa

Aphaenogaster gibbosa Queen brood/workers (starter kit)

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Camponotus flavomarginatus

Camponotus Flavomarginatus Queen with brood or workers

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Camponotus lateralis

Camponotus lateralis Queen (starter kit)

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Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp (Mexico origin)

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Camponotus vagus

Camponotus vagus Queen with workers (starter kit)

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Carebara castanea

Carebara castanea (UK Only)

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Crematogaster biroi

Crematogaster biroi queen with brood and 20-30 workers

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Formica lemani

Formica (Serviformica) lemani Queen with brood or workers (Starter kit)

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Formica pratensis

Formica pratensis (starter kit)

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Formica truncorum

Formica truncorum (starter kit)

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Goniomma hispanicum

Goniomma hispanicum with eggs (starter kit)

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Lasius fuliginosus

Lasius fuliginosus (Dendrolasius) (starter kit)

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Linepithema humile

Linepithema humile/Argentine ants

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Messor cephalotes

Messor Cephalotes (Giant African Harvester ants)

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Messor ibericus

Messor ibericus (starter kit)

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Messor wasmanni

Messor wasmanni Queen (starter kit)

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Myrmica specioides

Myrmica specioides (starter kit)

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Nylanderia jaegerskioeldi

Nylanderia jaegerskioeldi (starter kit)

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Paratopula macta

Paratopula macta (Golden tree ants)

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Pheidole spathifera

Pheidole spathifera Queen with workers

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Plagiolepis pygmaea

Plagiolepis pygmaea (starter kit)

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Pogonomyrmex rugosus

Pogonomyrmex rugosus (desert harvester ant) (starter kit)

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Ponera coarctata

Ponera coarctata (starter kit) Rare species

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Temnothorax luteus

Temnothorax luteus (starter kit)

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Tetramorium forte

Tetramorium forte (starter kit)

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Tetramorium semilaeve

Tetramorium semilaeve (Pavement ants) (starter kit)

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inventory All other products [Beta]

14cm stainless steel tweezers (anti static)


Ant Protein Shake (with new V3 packaging) Buy 2 sets and get a 3rd set free!

£2.99 - £5.98

Anti-ant climb formula (oil based 7ml per bottle)


Pack of 5x3ml pipettes (made from virgin polymer plastic)

£0.50 - £1.99

AntsRus Liquid PTFE ™ (anti-insect escape)

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Myrmecocystus mendex with brood (Bi-coloured Honey pot ant)

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Pericapritermes Sp (Termites mated pair)

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Reticulitermes lucifugus (Italian subterranean termite)

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