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ant Ant colonies
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Camponotus fedtschenkoi
Camponotus fedtschenkoi Queen (black/gold) with brood or workers
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Formica lemani
Formica (Serviformica) lemani Queen with brood or workers (Starter kit)
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Ant Protein Shake (with new V3 packaging) Buy 2 sets and get a 3rd set free!
£2.99 - £5.98
Anti-ant climb formula (oil based 7ml per bottle)
AntsRus All in one feeding dish ™
£1.10 - £1.80
AntsRus Liquid feeders ™
£2.60 - £3.50
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AntsRus Round Feeding dish ™
£0.99 - £1.69
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AntsRus Square feeding dish ™
£0.99 - £1.69
AntsRus Sugar Shakes
£4.99 - £7.99
AntsRus Test tube connectors ™
£0.99 - £1.09
AntsRus Test tube feeders ™
£1.55 - £1.65
AntsRus Test tube holders ™
£0.99 - £2.70
Cotton balls (100% cotton)
£0.30 - £1.00
Harvester seeds in tubes or packs organic and chemical free
£1.99 - £7.99
Pack of 5x3ml pipettes (made from virgin polymer plastic)
£0.50 - £1.99
Plastic test tubes 100mmx16mm or 150mmx16mm with caps
£0.45 - £2.45
Reticulitermes grassei King and Queen
£41.99 - £43.99
AntsRus Liquid PTFE ™ (anti-insect escape)
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Camponotus Mega Black (Mexico Origin)
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Coptotermes formosanus (formosan subterranean termite)
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Myrmecocystus mendex with brood (Bi-coloured Honey pot ant)
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Pheidole noda Colony Queen with brood and workers
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Reticulitermes lucifugus (Italian subterranean termite)
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