
Brilli-ants has 15 ant colonies and 6 other products in stock.

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category Products

ant Ant colonies

Camponotus aethiops

Camponotus Aethiops


Formica fusca

Formica Fusca (Wood Ant)


Formica rufa

Formica Rufa (Red Wood Ant)

£27.99 - £29.99

Formica rufa

Formica Rufa Building Substrate

£1.99 - £4.99

Harpegnathos venator

Harpegnathos Venator (Hunting Ant)


Messor bouvieri

Messor Bouvieri (Black Harvester Ant)

£10.99 - £11.99

Messor capitatus

Messor Capitatus (Black Harvester Ant)

£9.99 - £12.99

Temnothorax spec.

Temnothorax sp. (100+ Workers)


Camponotus aethiops

Camponotus Aethiops

Out of Stock!

Formica fusca

Formica Fusca (Wood Ant)

Out of Stock!

Formica rufa

Formica Rufa (PRE-ORDER)

Out of Stock!

Formica rufa

Formica Rufa Building Substrate

Out of Stock!

Harpegnathos venator

Harpegnathos Venator (Hunting Ant)

Out of Stock!

Lasius umbratus

Lasius Umbratus (Parasitic Yellow Ant)

Out of Stock!

Manica rubida

Manica Rubida (Giant European Fire Ant)

Out of Stock!

Manica rubida

Manica Rubida (Giant European Fire Ant)

Out of Stock!

Myrmica rubra

Myrmica Rubra (Common Red Ant)

Out of Stock!

Myrmica rubra

Myrmica Rubra (Common Red Ant)

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax spec.

Temnothorax sp. (100+ Workers)

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

16mm/100mm Plastic Test-Tubes

£2.00 - £6.00

1x1 Corridor PRE-ORDER


2x2 Corridor PRE-ORDER


Gypsum nest V2 PRE-ORDER


Gypsum Test Tube Nest (V2 out soon!)



£0.29 - £0.99

16mm/100mm Plastic Test-Tubes

Out of Stock!

1x1 Corridor PRE-ORDER

Out of Stock!

2x2 Corridor PRE-ORDER

Out of Stock!

Featherweight Tweezers

Out of Stock!

Featherweight Tweezers

Out of Stock!

Gypsum nest V2 PRE-ORDER

Out of Stock!

Gypsum Test Tube Nest (V2 out soon!)

Out of Stock!


Out of Stock!