
BritishAnts has 0 ant colonies and 27 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Lasius spec.

Lasius sp (Cheapest UK Retailer)

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10mm plug

£0.25 - £0.50

150ml Tube of Seed and Triple protein mix


2.5ml Formicarium Hydration Syringe (buy one get one free)


Bark chipping 300ML ♻️


Battery pack for Thermometers


Blue Tweezers (buy one get one free)


Clearance, formicarium ex-demo see images (UK delivery only)


Formicarium Special offer-17th-23rd November


Fortress Package (Special, £5.00 off)


Gift Card

£10.00 - £100.00

Jelly Protein - (Special Offer)


Jelly protein feed packs, designed for ants


Jungle vine 50cm


Large Tube (150mm) of high energy mixed seed


Large Tube (150mm) of high energy niger seed (Summer Special)


Lemon Fruit protein jelly 16g (Special Offer)


Lime protein Jelly


Pipette with water measurement dose markings

£0.30 - £0.50

Pod and Cubez adapter white x2 with rigid 20mm O/D tubing 20cm long


Single Test tube setup


Spiky (new, designed for plucking cotton from 100mm test tubes) Buy one get one free!


Test tube adapter kit with spare 150mm test tube


Test tube cleaning brush (buy one get one free)


Test tubes bundles


Vent, mesh, frame and screws


Vineyard Grape


300ml of sterilised chemical free compost (Special)

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300ml White Perlite

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Ant-i-slip escape prevention oil 10 ml

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Blue outworld (Special)

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Crystal Clear formicarium tubing.

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Epipremnum pictum Satin pathos rooted cutting (clearance)

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Fine Sand 250ML Winter Special (UK delivery only)

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Fine Sand White 250ML (Special) UK delivery only

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Formicarium (Special)

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Green outworld (November special)

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Leafcutter Ant -Organic Petals (New larger 300ml Biodegradable packs)

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Pineapple (Special)

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Rainbow red outworld (Special)

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Rare live red bog moss (Cheapest UK supplier guaranteed)

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Red Acetate sheet A5

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Strawberry protein jelly

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Tubing 10mm I/D - 13mm O/D

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White formicarium (Special)

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