Bug Frenzy

Bug Frenzy has 0 ant colonies and 80 other products in stock.

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category Products

ant Ant colonies

Iridomyrmex bicknelli

Black Trail Ant Queen + Colony- Iridomyrmex bicknelli

Out of Stock!

Colobopsis macrocephala

Colobopsis Macrocephala Queen + 1-4 Workers

Out of Stock!

Iridomyrmex bicknelli

Double Trail Ant Queen with workers and brood - ( Iridomyrmex bicknelli)

Out of Stock!

Camponotus suffusus

Giant Golden Sugar Ant Queen- Camponotus suffusus × 1

Out of Stock!

Camponotus aeneopilosus

Golden Tail Sugar Ant Queen with 2 workers and brood - Camponotus Aeneopilosus

Out of Stock!

Rhytidoponera metallica

Green Headed Ant (Rhytidoponera metallica) Queen with eggs

Out of Stock!

Camponotus humilior

Household Sugar Ant Queen + 5-10 Workers- Camponotus Humilior

Out of Stock!

Iridomyrmex purpureus

Meat Ant Queen- Iridomyrmex Purpureus with eggs and 10+ workers

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis daemeli

Silver Spiny Ant Queen (Polyrhachis Daemeli) with 1-4 workers and brood

Out of Stock!

Camponotus terebrans

Sugar Bore Ant Queen - Camponotus terebrans

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

100g Vermiculite


200g Scoria


25cm Feeding Tongs/Tweezers


3 x Zebra millipedes (Spirobolellus sp.)


3mm Wood Wool

Recently updated

5 x Ivory snails (Theba pisana)


Acrylic Sliding Lid for Nano Habitat


Aqua One Plastic Plants - Pack of 4


Aqua One Yellow Villarsia W/Gravel Base Plastic Plant

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Aussie Orange Isopods (Porcellio scaber)


Australian giant centipede (Ethmostimgus rubripes) FNQ

AU$40.00 - AU$50.00
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Bicolor assassin bug (Austrarcesius bicolor)


Black Rock Scorpion (Urodacus manicatus) SA Form

AU$13.50 - AU$33.00

Blue-Legged Tarantula (Phlogius PQ113) Advanced slings

AU$35.00 - AU$55.00

Brushed Jumping spider (Jotus sp. 1) CB Male


Burrowing Spider Enclosure with Clay Substrate


Cocopeat or Clay based Substrate

AU$2.75 - AU$13.00

Cricket Care Package


Customisable General Scorpion Kit

AU$18.00 - AU$38.00

Desert bark huntsman (Pediana horni) Captive bred Juvie


Desert Scorpion (Urodacus yaschenkoi)


Digital Thermometer Hygrometer Meter


Fairy Garden Metal Post Box


Fairy Garden Metal Slide


Faux Plant Trio


Fine White Sand

AU$3.50 - AU$18.00

Finger Succulent

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Flightless Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster) Culture


Flinders ranges scorpion (Urodacus elongatus)

AU$33.00 - AU$49.00
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Fruit Fly Culture Cup Kit


Giant centipede (Ethmostigmus rubripes) captive-bred pedelings

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Gibber house centipede (Possibly Allotherua sp.)


Gift Vouchers

AU$20.00 - AU$200.00

Golden Melon snail (Xanthomelon saginatum)

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Green-Horned Centipede (Cormocephalus rubriceps)


Gutload Cricket Food

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Honey wolf spider (Hoggicosa wolodymyri)

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Housefly pupae x 20 : Musca domestica


Isopod Substrate


Latch Set (Two pieces)


Magnetic Feeding Cup

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Mallee Wood Scorpion (Cercophonius kershawi)


Marbled Scorpion (Lychas marmoreus)


Mini Clear View Enclosure

AU$15.00 - AU$20.00

Mini Mesh Pop-Up Enclosure

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Mountain prowling spider (Miturga sp. 6) juveniles


Nutritional Yeast


Plant Pod

AU$10.00 - AU$15.00
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Powder blue Isopods (Porcellionoides pruinosus) pack of 10


Predatory earwigs (Labidura truncata) large Colony


Pygmy Rainforest tarantula (Coremiocnemis tropix) Large Juvies

AU$35.00 - AU$50.00
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Rainbow mantis (Sphodropoda quinquedens) Captive bred juveniles


Red Desert Sand

AU$3.50 - AU$18.00
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Red-headed jumping spider leopard form (Maratus griseus) captive-bred juvies


Resin Rock Cave Hide


Resin Tree Bark Hide


River Rocks 175g


Rock assassin bug


Sand scorpion (Urodacus armatus)


Shipping Fee


Smooth-handed sand scorpion (Urodacus sp. 5)


Spiny Leaf Insect (Extatosoma tiaratum) nymphs


Spray Bottle


Square Ant Mini Outworld


Starter Colony of Speckled Feeder Roaches (Nauphoeta cinerea)


Tarantula Mix - 500g


Teeny Crickets


Teeny Skull


Test Tube Cover


The Bug Box 2.0

AU$70.00 - AU$75.00

The Little Bug Box with optional kit

AU$40.00 - AU$42.50
Recently updated

The Lux Bug Box

AU$99.00 - AU$104.00

The Modest Centinel - Centipede Kit


Tropical Fly-catcher (Plexippus petersi) Captive Bred Juvie


Tropical Fly-catcher (Plexippus petersi) Captive bred Sub-Adult/Adult male


Tropical Fly-catcher (Plexippus petersi) Captive Bred Sub/Adult female

Recently updated

UV Torch 9 Led

Recently updated

Variable wolf spider (Venator spenceri)

Recently updated

Wood Scorpion (Cercophonius squama)


Zen Rocks


"Try A Free Wolf" Kit

Out of Stock!

2 x Black pie dish beetles (Pterohelaeus sp.) Captive Bred

Out of Stock!

3 Spot Crab Spider (Tharpyna sp.)

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32-spotted katydid (Ephippitytha trigintiduogutatta)

Out of Stock!

4 x Cyclone Larry stick insects (Siplyoidea larryi)

Out of Stock!

5 Marbled Scorpions

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5-Spotted Ground Spider (Zodariidae sp. 3)

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Adansons house jumper (Hasarius adansoni)

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Aloe Vera

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Angry-faced jumping spider (Clynotis severus)

Out of Stock!

Angry-faced jumping spider (Clynotis severus) captive-bred juveniles

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Angular green crab spider (Sidymella species)

Out of Stock!

Ant Farm Starter Kit Large- Horizontal 'Royale Lobby'

Out of Stock!

Ant Farm Starter Kit Medium- Horizontal 'Royale Lobby' Nest

Out of Stock!

Ant Farm Starter Kit Small- Horizontal 'Royale Lobby' Nest

Out of Stock!

Ant Mousse- Wet Protein Source

Out of Stock!

Ant Park All-in-one Ant Food 30ml

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Ant Park Hydration Gel

Out of Stock!

Ant Park Starter Kit

Out of Stock!

Ant Park Strawberry Sunrise Nectar

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Ant Protein Jelly

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Ant-i-Slip- PTFE Liquid Escape Prevention

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Ant-Mimic Jumping spider (Unidentified species)

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Arbanitis sp. “gold”

Out of Stock!

Armoured black cockroaches (Polyzosteriinae sp.)

Out of Stock!

Armoured ground beetle (Philoscaphus sp.)

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Arrowhead Wolf Spider (Lycosa australicola) slings

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Australian Amblypygid/ Whip spiders (Charinus pescotti)

Out of Stock!

Australian giant centipede (Ethmostimgus rubripes)

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Australian giant centipede (Ethmostimgus rubripes)

Out of Stock!

Australian Leaf Insect (Walaphyllium monteithi) Juveniles

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Australian Rainforest Tarantula (Phlogius sp. Kuranda) Advanced slings

Out of Stock!

Australian Rainforest Tarantula (Phlogius sp. Kuranda) XL juveniles

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Australian Rainforest Tarantula (Phlogius sp. Pseudocrassipes) slings

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Australian Tarantula (Phlogius 'ghost') Captive Bred Juveniles

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius 'K2 Goliath') small

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius Cape Gloucester) Large Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Australian tarantula (Phlogius Cape Gloucester) slings

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius hirsutus) Large juveniles

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius hirsutus) slings

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Australian Tarantula (Phlogius kuranda) Large

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Australian Tarantula (Phlogius kuranda) male

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius kuttabul) Advanced Slings

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Australian Tarantula (Phlogius kuttabul) Large

Out of Stock!

Australian Tarantula (Phlogius kuttabul) male

Out of Stock!

Australian tarantula (Phlogius kuttabul) XL juveniles

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Australian Tarantula (Phlogius pq113) Large

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Australian Tarantula (Phlogius proserpine) male

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius Sarina) slings

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius sp. black) slings

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius sp. hirsutus) med-large

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius sp. nunn ) large

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius sp. nunn) Small juvies

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius sp. pseudocrassipes) med-large

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius sp. Sarina) Large Juveniles

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Australian Tarantula (Phlogius sp. Stents)

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius sp. stents) med-large

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Australian Tarantula (Phlogius sp. Stents) Small Juvies

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius strenuus "Hann river") medium

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius strenuus "Hann river") slings

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Australian tarantula (Phlogius strenuus "Lakelands") slings

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Australian Tarantula (Selenocosmia crassipes) spiderlings

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Badge huntsman spider (Neosparassus sp. Woomera 2) Captive Bred Slings

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Baehr's Tropical Jumper (Cosmophasis baehrae)

Out of Stock!

Banded centipede(Scolopendra morsitans) Western downs "blue" form.

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Banded Golden Trapdoor Spider (Euoplos similaris)

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Banded Metallic-green jumping spider (Cosmophasis micans) female

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Banded Metallic-green jumping spider (Cosmophasis micans) juvenile

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Banded saltlake wolf spider (Tetralycosa sp.)

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Banded sandy wolf spider (Lycosidae sp., possibly 'Lycosa' or Artoria)

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Banded Snake Millipedes (Julidae)

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Banded St. Andrews Cross (Argiope trifasciata)

Out of Stock!

Banded Wolf Spider (Tasmanicosa ramosa) CB juveniles

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Banded Wolf Spider (Tasmanicosa ramosa) juvie

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Bark Crab Spider (Stephanopis cambridgei)

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Bark Grasshopper (Coryphistes sp. SM 1)

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Bark Huntsman (Pedania regina) captive-bred juveniles

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Bark scorpion (Lychas spinatus besti)

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Bat Peacock jumping spider (Maratus vespertillio) Captive Bred Juvenile

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Bat Peacock jumping spider (Maratus vespertillio) Female

Out of Stock!

Bat Peacock jumping spider (Maratus vespertillio) Male

Out of Stock!

Bat Peacock jumping spider (Maratus vespertillio)Juvie

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Beach Bum jumping spider (Undescribed Saitis sp5) Female

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Beach Ghost (Argoctenus sp. 6)

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Beach jumping spider (Jotus sp.)

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Beach lynx spider (Oxyopes sp. cf variabilis)

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Beach sac spider (Cheiracanthium sp1)

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Beautiful Badge Huntsman (Neosparassus 'calligaster' Woomera locale) juvenile female

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Bednall's shrubland snail (Cupedora bednalli) juveniles

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Beetle jumping spider (Simaethula species)

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Bess beetle (Passalidae)

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Bird-Dropping Spider (Celaenia excavata)

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Black and Gold wishbone spider (Proshermacha sp. 2)

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Black and yellow isopod (Cubaris nigroflava)

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Black ant mimic (Myrmarachne sp.)

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Black ant mimic jumper (Salticidae)

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Black Assassin Bug (Reduviidae)

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Black diamond wolf spider (Artoriopsis sp.1)

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Black Flat Jumping Spider (Holoplatys sp 5 ) with kit!

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Black flat spider (probably Rebilus sp.)

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Black Ground Mantid (Bolbe sp.)

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Black jumping spider (Unidentified species)

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Black Mirror Peacock Spider (Undescribed Maratus sp.)

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Black Mirror Peacock spider (Undescribed Maratus sp.) female

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Black rainforest millipedes (Rhinocricidae)

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Black Rock Scorpion (Urodacus manicatus) Orange NSW form

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Black Rock Scorpion (Urodacus manicatus) Victoria form

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Black rock scorpion (Urodacus manicatus)Captive Bred babies

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Black Sand Scorpion (Urodacus novaehollandiae WA)

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Black spot wolf spider (Hogna diyari)

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Black Trapdoor spider (Idiosoma smeatoni) sub-adult

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Black Wishbone Spider (Aname sp. 16)

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Black-footed Wishbone Spider (Namea nigritarsus)

Out of Stock!

Blue ground beetle (Carenum subcyaneum)

Out of Stock!

Blue Pie-Dish beetle (Pterohelaeus sp.) Excellent first pets for adults and kids!

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Blue-Eyed Humbug Jumper (Undescribed species)

Out of Stock!

Blue-eyed peacock spider (Maratus chlorophthalmus) female

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Blue-eyed peacock spider (Maratus chlorophthalmus) male

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Blue-green Leaf Insect (Tropidoderus childrenii) nymphs

Out of Stock!

Blue-Legged Tarantula (Phlogius PQ113)

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Blue-Legged Tarantula (Phlogius PQ113) Large juveniles

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Blue-Legged Tarantula (Phlogius PQ113) read description!

Out of Stock!

Blue-rumped Plum cockroach (Platyzosteria sp. 3)

Out of Stock!

Blue-tailed Desert Centipede (Scolopendra morsitans Laverton WA locale) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Blue-Tailed DesertCentipede (Scolopendra morsitans Laverton WA locale) Sub-adults

Out of Stock!

Boofhead ground beetle (Carabidae)

Out of Stock!

Border ranges rainforest snail (Thersites darlingtoni)

Out of Stock!

Bridal Jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.1) Female

Out of Stock!

Bridal Jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.1) Juvenile

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Brisbane Metallic ground beetle (Carenum brisbanae)

Out of Stock!

Bronze jumping spider (Helpis minitabunda) 'big boy'

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Bronze pill millipede (Oniscomorpha)

Out of Stock!

Bronze rockhopper (Undescribed Euophyrine, related to Saitis) Juvenile

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Bronze rockhopper Captive Raised female (Undescribed Euophyrine, related to Saitis)

Out of Stock!

Bronze rockhopper male (Undescribed Euophyrine, related to Saitis)

Out of Stock!

Bronzed Darkling Beetle (Adelium brevicorne)

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Browlicious jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.)

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Brown flat-backed millipedes (Somethus sp. )

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Brown Northern Jumper (Salticidae sp.)

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Brown striped bark jumper (Helpis sp. 1)

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Brush Millipede (Spirobolida)

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Brush-footed trapdoor (Idiommata sp.)

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Brush-footed trapdoor spider (Seqocrypta jakara)

Out of Stock!

Brushed jumping spider (Jotus sp. 1)

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Brushed Jumping spider (Jotus sp. 1) Captive Born Sub Adults/Adults Females

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Brushed Jumping spider (Jotus sp. 1) females

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Bug box with Crickets and a CB Plexippus petersi male

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Burrowing wood cockroach (Panesthia cribata) juveniles

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Bush Katydid (Caedicia simplex) male

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Candy Cane jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp. 7) Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Cast-Iron Jumping Spider (Zenodorus metallescens) juvie

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Cave peacock spider (Maratus sp. nov) Captive Bred Female

Out of Stock!

Cave peacock spider (Maratus sp. nov) Captive bred male

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Cave peacock spider (Maratus sp. nov) male

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Centurion Peacock Spider (Undescribed Maratus sp.) female

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Centurion Peacock Spider (Undescribed Maratus sp.) juvie

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Centurion peacock spider (Undescribed Maratus sp.) male

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Ceramic Ant Feeding Dish

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Charcoal Assassin Bug (Reduviidae sp. )

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Charcoal boxing mantis (Paraoxypilus sp.)

Out of Stock!

Checkered Jumping Spider (Opisthoncus sp.) Female

Out of Stock!

Checkered Jumping Spider (Opisthoncus sp.) Juvie

Out of Stock!

chevron ant spider (Habronestes sp.) captive bred juvenile

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Chevron jumping spider (Jotus sp.)

Out of Stock!

Chevroned jumper (Opisthoncus serratofasciatus) Adult Female

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Chevroned jumper (Opisthoncus serratofasciatus) Adult Male

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Chevroned jumper (Opisthoncus serratofasciatus) juvie

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Children's stick insect (Tropidoderus childrenii)

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Chillagoe cave huntsman (Yiinthi chillagoe)

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Chocolate Wishbone Spider (Aname sp. 12)

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Cholla Wood

Out of Stock!
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Cinnamon huntsman spider (Isopedella leai)

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Clown bug (Amorbus alternatus)

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Coastal burrowing Scorpion (Urodacus novaehollandiae SA)

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Coastal Ivory Wolf Spider (Undescribed sp)

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Coastal marbled scorpion (Lychas sp.)

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Coastal red millipede

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Coconut Crab (Unknown Thomisidae 1)

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Commensal burrowing cockroach (Calolampra species)

Out of Stock!

Common burrowing cockroach (Geoscapheus dilatatus)

Out of Stock!

Common shining Roach (Drymaplaneta communis)

Out of Stock!

Copper Pebble-mimicing Spider (Saitis sp. 3)

Out of Stock!

Copper Pebble-mimicking jumping spider (Saitis sp.3) female

Out of Stock!

Copper Wishbone Spider (Kwonkan sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Crafty fishing spider (Dolomedes facetus) juvenile.

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Crescent-lidded trapdoor spider (Idiosoma sp. "black")

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Crescent-lidded trapdoor spider (Idiosoma sp. "black") Juvenile

Out of Stock!

Cricket Catcher and Bug Handler

Out of Stock!

Cricket Keeper or Large enclosure

Out of Stock!

Crowned stick insects (Onchestus rentzi)

Out of Stock!

Cube, Kit and a Tropical Fly-catcher (Plexippus petersi) Captive bred Male or Female

Out of Stock!

Cyclops Assassin Bug (Harpactorini)

Out of Stock!

Cyclops jumping spider (Opisthoncus polyphemus)

Out of Stock!

D'urville's jumping spider (Zenodorus durvillei) Captive Bred Female

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D'urville's jumping spider (Zenodorus durvillei) Captive Bred Juvie

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Daemel's jumping spider (Paraphilaeus daemeli)

Out of Stock!

Dark Banded Snails (Figuladra sp.)

Out of Stock!

Dark jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.)

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Dark saltlake wolf spider (Hogna sp.)

Out of Stock!

Dark Skull

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Darwin house centipede (Allotherua sp.)

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Desert Banded Centipede (Scolopendra morsitans SA locale)

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Desert burrowing cockroach - Geoscapheus sp. cf dilatatus

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Desert Pebble (Undescribed Saitis sp.4) female

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Desert Peppermint stick insect (Candovia pallida)

Out of Stock!

Desert prowling spider (Odo sp. 1)

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Desert Sunset Centipede (Scolopendra morsitans)

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Desert tarantula (Selenocosmia 'kotzman') large

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Desert tarantula (Selenocosmia 'kotzman') male

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Desert tarantula (Selenocosmia 'secret squirrel')

Out of Stock!

Desert tarantula (Selenocosmia stirlingi) large

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Desert tarantula (Selenotholus stirlingi riverland form) Slings

Out of Stock!

Desert Two-Tailed Spider (Hersiilidae sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Desert wolf spider (Possibly Venatrix sp.

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Devil's coach horse (Creophilus erythrocephalus)

Out of Stock!

Diamondback Sand Mantis (Cliomantis sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Dirty jumping spider (Salpesia squalida)

Out of Stock!

Dusky Sand Scorpion (Urodacus sp. 4)

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Dwarf white isopods (Trichorhina tormentosa)

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Eastern Rockhopper (Saitis virgatus) unsexed adult

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Eastern Slender Stick-insect (Candovia peridromes)

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Eastern Termite hunter (Ptherstigena conspersa)

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Eastern Tree-running mantis (Ciulfina biseraiata)

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Eastern Yellow Badge huntsman (Neosparassus sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Egyptian beetles (Blaps polychresta) with Optional Kit

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Electric-Blue legged jumper (Taula lepida)

Out of Stock!

Ember Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Ember)

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Eucalyptus leaves - dried 50g

Out of Stock!

Exo Terra Screen Terrarium Small Tall

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Exquisite Feather-legged Tarantula (Selenotypus sp. 5 'exquisita') slings

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Eyed crab spider (Cymbacha sp.)

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Fairy Garden Lamp Post

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Fairy Garden Metal BBQ

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Fairy Garden Metal Bridge

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Fairy Garden Metal Gazebo

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Fairy Garden Metal Windmill

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Fairy Garden Pebble Path

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False Coffee Bean (Holoplatys sp. 7) Juvie

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False garden mantis (Pseudomantis albofimbriata) nymph

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False spider hunter (Lychas pilbara1)

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False Sunburst wolf spider (Unidentified Tasmanicosa sp.)

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False Tarantula (Aname comosa)

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Feather-legged assassin bug (Ptilocnemus sp.)

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus plumipes) juveniles

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus plumipes) male

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Apis creek)

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Banana)

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Banana) Juveniles

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. champagne robustus) small

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. champagne robustus) small

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Exevale) adult females

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Exevale) medium

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Exevale) slings

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. southern nebo) small

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. victoria creek) small

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. victoria creek) xsmall

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. victoria creek) xsmall

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Wallace)

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Feather-legged tarantula (Selenotypus sp. Wallace) medium

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Fireback Prowling Spider (Odo sp. 3)

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Fireback Prowling spider (Odo sp. 3) captive-bred juveniles

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Fireback wolf spider (Unidentified Lycosinae)

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Fishing spider (Dolomedes instabilis)

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Five-spined Stick Mantis (Archimantis quinquelobata) nymphs

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Flame leg centipede (Scolopendra morsitans)

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Flat bark jumper (Holoplatys sp)

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Flat Succulent

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Flat white jumping spider (Arasia mollicoma) Adult Female

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Flat white jumping spider (Arasia mollicoma) juvie

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Flinders banded huntsman (Holconia flindersi) CB juveniles

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Flinders banded snails (Cupedora lorioliana)

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Flinders golden wishbone spider (Proshermacha sp. 9) CB advanced juvies

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Flinders ranges scorpion (Urodacus elongatus) CB Babies

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Flinders Ranges Snake millipedes (Atelomastix sp.)

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Founding Nest

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Fraser's banded snail (Sphaerospira fraseri)

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Fringed cockroach (Cosmozosteria sloanei)

Out of Stock!

Fringed Wolf spider (Possibly Hogna sp.)

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Funnel Ant Queen + 1 Worker and eggs - Aphaenogastor Longiceps

Out of Stock!

Funnel Ant Queen + Colony- Aphaenogastor Longiceps

Out of Stock!

Galaxy spider - (Poecilipta sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Garden Snail (Cornu aspersum)

Out of Stock!

General Baby Scorpion Kit

Out of Stock!

Ghost jumping spider (Helpis sp.) juvie

Out of Stock!

Ghost trapdoor wolf spider (Hoggicosa sp1)

Out of Stock!

Giant Banded Huntsman (Holconia immanis) Large juveniles-adult

Out of Stock!

Giant bark jumping spider (Servaea incana) Captive Bred Female

Out of Stock!

Giant bark jumping spider (Servaea incana) captive-bred male

Out of Stock!

Giant bark jumping spider (Servaea incana) CB juveniles

Out of Stock!

Giant bark jumping spider (Servaea incana) Female

Out of Stock!

Giant bark jumping spider (Servaea incana) Juvie

Out of Stock!

Giant bark jumping spider (Servaea incana) Juvie

Out of Stock!

Giant Bronze Wishbone Spider (Proshermacha sp. 4)

Out of Stock!

Giant Bronze Wishbone Spider (Proshermacha sp. 4) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Giant Burrowing Cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros)

Out of Stock!

Giant Centipede (Ethmostigmus rubripes Cairns green form) juvenile

Out of Stock!

Giant Centipede (Ethmostigmus rubripes Cairns green form) large

Out of Stock!

Giant Centipede (Ethmostigmus rubripes)

Out of Stock!

Giant Centipede (Ethmostigmus rubripes)

Out of Stock!

Giant Crested/Cat-eared Jumping Spider (Sandalodes bipencilliatus) Adult Female

Out of Stock!

Giant flat jumping spider (Ocrisiona sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Giant flat jumping spider (Ocrisiona sp. 1) missing a leg

Out of Stock!

Giant Flat Spider (Trochanteriidae sp. 3) juvenile

Out of Stock!

Giant golden trapdoor spider (Euoplos sp.)

Out of Stock!

Giant green jumping spider (Mopsus mormon) Captive Bred Juvenile

Out of Stock!

Giant green jumping spider (Mopsus mormon) Captive Bred male

Out of Stock!

Giant green jumping spider (Mopsus mormon) male

Out of Stock!

Giant green jumping spider female (Mopsus mormon)

Out of Stock!

Giant green predatory beetle (Pamborus species)

Out of Stock!

Giant Green-horned centipede (Cormocephalus sp.)

Out of Stock!

Giant ground spider (Gnaphosidae sp.)

Out of Stock!

Giant Gumleaf grasshopper (Goniaea australasiae) adult

Out of Stock!

Giant Gumleaf grasshopper (Goniaea australasiae) nymph

Out of Stock!

Giant Heroic Orb Weaver (Backobourkia heroine)

Out of Stock!

Giant house centipede (Thereuopoda longicornis)

Out of Stock!

Giant mallee centipede (Scolopendra morsitans) SA mallee form adults

Out of Stock!

Giant Pie-Dish Beetle (Helaea monilifera)

Out of Stock!

Giant pill bugs (Spherillo sp.)

Out of Stock!

Giant pill millipede (Spaerotheriida)

Out of Stock!

Giant prowling spider (Miturga sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Giant prowling spider (Miturga sp.)

Out of Stock!

Giant Rainforest Mantid (Hierodula majuscula) L4/L5 nymphs

Out of Stock!

Giant red-legged millipedes (Spirobolida)

Out of Stock!

Giant Salt Lake Wolf Spider (Tetralycosa sp.)

Out of Stock!

Giant Sand Scorpion (Urodacus sp.) female

Out of Stock!

Giant Savannah Scorpion (Lychas lappa)

Out of Stock!

Giant Savannah Scorpion (Lychas lappa) CB babies

Out of Stock!

Giant Scrub Millipede (Rhinocricidae)

Out of Stock!

Giant Scrub Prowling Spider (Miturga sp. 4)

Out of Stock!

Giant slaters (Porcellio dilatatus)

Out of Stock!

Giant Slender Bark jumper (Helpis sp. Parklands)

Out of Stock!

Giant Slender Bark jumper (Helpis sp. Parklands) Captive Bred Females

Out of Stock!

Giant Slender Bark jumper (Helpis sp. Parklands) Captive Bred Sub-Adult/Adult Male

Out of Stock!

Giant Slender Bark jumper (Helpis sp. Parklands) Male

Out of Stock!

Giant Tiger centipede (Ethmostigmus rubripes) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Giant Tiger Wolf Spider (Hoggicosa castanea)

Out of Stock!

Giant White Tiger Wolf spider (Hoggicosa natashae)

Out of Stock!

Giant White Tiger Wolf spider (Hoggicosa natashae) Juvie

Out of Stock!

Giant White-spotted Ant Spider (Zodariidae sp.)

Out of Stock!

Giant wishbone spider (Aname sp. 1) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Gladiator Spider (Zodariidae sp.)

Out of Stock!

Glorious Millipedes - (Rhinocricidae) Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Gold beach wolf spider (Lycosidae sp.)

Out of Stock!

Gold-cheeked jumper (Simaetha tenuidens)

Out of Stock!

Gold-Spotted Huntsman (Isopedella saundersi)

Out of Stock!

Gold-spotted huntsman (Isopedella saundersi) captive-bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Golden jumping spider (Cosmophasis bitaeniata)

Out of Stock!

Golden Melon snail (Xanthomelon saginatum) w/ bleached shell

Out of Stock!

Golden rockhopper (Euophyrinae) Female

Out of Stock!

Golden trapdoor (Euoplos sp.)

Out of Stock!

Golden wishbone spider (Aname sp.3/Proshermacha sp. 2)

Out of Stock!

Golden wishbone spider (Proshermacha sp. Williamstown)

Out of Stock!

Golden-Brown Assassin Bug (Pristhesancus plagipennis) CB juvenile

Out of Stock!

Golden-Faced jumper (Sondra aurea)

Out of Stock!

Golden-Faced jumper (Sondra aurea) - Great beginner species Captive Bred Juvenile

Out of Stock!

Goliath stick insect (Eurycnema goliath) Captive bred nymphs

Out of Stock!

Graceful grass mantis (Archimantis gracilis) Captive Bred Nymph

Out of Stock!

Grass mantid (Archimantis latistyla)

Out of Stock!

Grass prowling spider (Thasyraea sp.)

Out of Stock!

Green and Gold Darkling Beetle (Tribe Adeliini)

Out of Stock!

Green Crab spider ( Hedana sp.)

Out of Stock!

Green Garden Mantis (Orthodera ministralis)

Out of Stock!

Green Garden Mantis (Orthodera ministralis) captive-bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Green predatory beetle (Carabidae)

Out of Stock!

Green-bellied Huntsman (Typostola barbata) Captive Bred subadults

Out of Stock!

Green-Tailed Peacock Spider (Maratus pavonis) Captive Bred Female

Out of Stock!

Green-Tailed Peacock Spider (Maratus pavonis, Perth WA form) Captive bred Male

Out of Stock!

Green-Tailed Peacock Spider (Maratus pavonis, Perth WA form) Male

Out of Stock!

Green-Winged Rove Beetle (Tribe Xantholinini)

Out of Stock!

Greeny (Opisthoncus abnormis)

Out of Stock!

Grey Rock Scorpion (Urodacus planimanus)

Out of Stock!

Grey Rock Scorpion (Urodacus planimanus) babies

Out of Stock!

Groom Jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.1) Male

Out of Stock!

ground assassin bug (Reduviidae)

Out of Stock!

Ground assassin bug (Reduviidae))

Out of Stock!

Gunmetal Trapdoor Spider(Arbanitis gracilis)

Out of Stock!

Gypsy/Golden-tailed jumper (Astia hariola) juvie

Out of Stock!

Half-banded centipede (Scolopendra morsitans half-banded NT form)

Out of Stock!

Hiller's Jungle Huntsman (Heteropoda hillerae)

Out of Stock!

Hirsute Ground Spider

Out of Stock!

Hissing assassin bug (Reduviidae)

Out of Stock!

Horned Bark Mantis (Gyromantis kraussi)

Out of Stock!

Iridescent Bunny Peacock Spider (Maratus chrysomelas)

Out of Stock!

Iridescent semi-slug/snug (Ubiquitarion iridis)

Out of Stock!

Iridescent-palps jumping spider (Jotus auripes)

Out of Stock!

Jacked ant mimic (Ligonipes species)

Out of Stock!

Jackson's Rainforest Jumper (Jacksonoides queenslandicus)

Out of Stock!

Jeff GoldBum (Mymarachne sp. "gold") juvie

Out of Stock!

Jewel spider (Austracantha minax)

Out of Stock!

Jewel Tree Beetle (Chalcopteroides sp. 2)

Out of Stock!

Jovial jumping spider (Apricia jovialis)

Out of Stock!

Jovial jumping spider (Apricia jovialis) Captive Bred Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Jovial jumping spider (Apricia jovialis) juvies

Out of Stock!

Jumping centipede (Otostigmus ateles)

Out of Stock!

Jumping jack mimic (Myrmarachne sp.)

Out of Stock!

Jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp. "silver")

Out of Stock!

Jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp10) Male

Out of Stock!

Jumpy Wolf Spider (Arid Lycosidae 9)

Out of Stock!

Jungle huntsman (Heteropoda jugulans) Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Karaops sp. 1 (World's fastest spider)

Out of Stock!

Knobbly assassin bug (Emesinae sp.)

Out of Stock!

Knobbly crab spider (Thomisidae)

Out of Stock!

Kuranda Speckled Katydid (Diastella kuranda)

Out of Stock!

Lami beach jumping spider (Cosmophasis lami)

Out of Stock!

Large Brown mantis/Grass mantis (Archimantis latistyla) subadults

Out of Stock!

Large brown snail (Camaenid sq16)

Out of Stock!

Large Round Darkling Beetle (Nyctozoilus sp.)

Out of Stock!

Lavender centipede (Cormocephalus species)

Out of Stock!

Leaf-curling jumping spider (Euryattus bleekeri)

Out of Stock!

Lemon-Maid Jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp. "lemon")

Out of Stock!

Lettered peacock spider (maratus literatus) Captive Bred Female

Out of Stock!

Lettered Peacock Spider (Maratus literatus) Captive Bred Male

Out of Stock!

Lettered Peacock Spider (Maratus literatus) male

Out of Stock!

Lettered peacock spider female (maratus literatus)

Out of Stock!

Lion peacock spider (Maratus leo) Captive Bred Female

Out of Stock!

Lion peacock spider (Maratus Leo) Captive Bred Male

Out of Stock!

Lion Peacock spider (Maratus sp.) Captive Bred Female

Out of Stock!

Lion peacock spider male (maratus leo)

Out of Stock!

Little Bark Jumping Spider (Servaea sp) Captive bred Adult

Out of Stock!

Little Bug box with Crickets and a CB Plexippus petersi male

Out of Stock!

Little Ladder

Out of Stock!

Little prince (Opisthoncus nigrofemoratus) genetic defect Captive Bred

Out of Stock!

Little tarantula (Mituliodon tarantulinus)

Out of Stock!

Little tarantula (Mituliodon tarantulinus) Large Captive-bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Long-legged jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.) female

Out of Stock!

Long-legged jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.) male

Out of Stock!

Long-Legged Sac Spider (Cheiracanthium sp. 2) - Good beginner spider

Out of Stock!

Long-Legged Trapdoor spider (Arbanitis longipes)

Out of Stock!

Long-Legged Trapdoor spider (Arbanitis longipes) slings

Out of Stock!

Long-legged Wishbone Spider (Stanwellia sp. Sherbrooke)

Out of Stock!

Long-palped jumper (Apricia longipalpis)

Out of Stock!

Lusania Petal Jumping Spider Hide

Out of Stock!

Lychas sp. "red"

Out of Stock!

Mallee Litter Wolf Spider (Arid Lycosidae 6)

Out of Stock!

Mallee prowling spider (Miturga sp. 7) captive-bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Mallee spitting spider (Syctodes sp.)

Out of Stock!

Mallee Tarantula (Selenotholus sp. Kotzman) Advanced Slings

Out of Stock!

Mallee Turret Wolf spider (Undescribed species)

Out of Stock!

Mangrove isopods (Alloniscus sp.)

Out of Stock!

Marauding Katydid (Metaballus sagaeformis)

Out of Stock!

Marbled Flat jumping spider (Holoplatys sp. 3)

Out of Stock!

Marbled Scorpion Kit

Out of Stock!

Marbled wasp mimic (Ocrisiona sp.)

Out of Stock!

Marbled wishbone spider (Stanwellia hoggi)

Out of Stock!

Marbled wishbone spider (Stanwellia hoggi) Male

Out of Stock!

Margaret river centipede (Cormocephalus michaelseni) captive bred pedelings

Out of Stock!

Marmorated Isopod (Cubaris marmorata)

Out of Stock!

Marmorated jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Marmorated jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp.) male

Out of Stock!

Marmorated Spider-Hunting scorpion (Isometroides sp.4)

Out of Stock!

Masked hunter (Reduvius sp.)

Out of Stock!

Massive Garden Jumper (Opisthoncus quadratarius males)

Out of Stock!

Massive Garden Jumper (Opisthoncus quadratarius) adult females

Out of Stock!

Massive Garden Jumper (Opisthoncus quadratarius) juvies

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor) pack of 10

Out of Stock!

Meerkat Wolf Spider (Dingosa simsoni)

Out of Stock!

Metallic Burrowing Tube-Web Spider (Segestriidae sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Metallic green ground beetle (Chlaenius australis)

Out of Stock!

Mimetic Gumleaf Grasshopper (Goniaea opalomoides) nymph

Out of Stock!

Mottled Desert Huntsman (Isopedella cerussata)

Out of Stock!

Mottled wishbone spider (Namea sp. "mottled")

Out of Stock!

Murray banded huntsman (Holconia murrayensis) Captive bred juvies

Out of Stock!

Murray banded huntsman (Holconia murrayensis) Juvie

Out of Stock!

Murray Flat jumping spider (Holoplatys sp. 4)

Out of Stock!

Murray River wolf spider (Venator sp. nov) Captive Bred Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Mystery wishbone Spider (Stanwellia sp. "?")

Out of Stock!

Native Black grassland roach (Platyzosteria sp.)

Out of Stock!

Native earwig (Gonolabis michaelseni)

Out of Stock!

Nebular Trapdoor spider (Stanwellia nebulosa)

Out of Stock!

Neighbours - The Antlion Edition

Out of Stock!

Net-casting spider (Menneus sp.)

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Net-Winged Mantis (Neomantis australis) Captive Bred

Out of Stock!

Northern Blue-Legged centipede (Rhysida nuda)

Out of Stock!

Northern Blue-Legged centipede (Rhysida nuda) Red form

Out of Stock!

Northern Jewel spider (Gasteracantha fornicata)

Out of Stock!

Northern lined spider (Hygropoda lineata)

Out of Stock!

Northern Titan Stick Insect (Acrophylla wuelfingi)

Out of Stock!

Northern tuxedo wolf (Lycosidae sp.) captive bred sub-adult/adult females

Out of Stock!

Northern wishbone spider (Ixamatus sp. poss. I. barina)

Out of Stock!

Obscure ant spider (Storosa obscura)

Out of Stock!

Ochre Scorpion (Lychas jonesae) SA mallee locale

Out of Stock!

Opalescent katydid (Polichne sp.)

Out of Stock!

Opalescent Pendant Snails (Leptotoma perlucidum)

Out of Stock!

Orange footed centipede (Cormocephalus aurantiipes)

Out of Stock!

Orange jumping spider (Opisthoncus sp. ) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Orange Legged Castle Spider (Storena sp.3)

Out of Stock!

Orange rock scorpion (Lychas truncatus)

Out of Stock!

Orange sand millipedes (Diplopoda)

Out of Stock!

Orange-footed centipede (Cormocephalus aurantiipes) Captive Bred Pedelings

Out of Stock!

Orange-footed centipede (Cormocephalus aurantiipes) WA

Out of Stock!

Orange-fringed Peacock Spider (Maratus speciosus) Captive Bred Sub/Adult Females

Out of Stock!

Orange-fringed Peacock Spider (Maratus speciosus) Captive Bred Sub/Adult Males

Out of Stock!

Orange-fringed Peacock Spider (Maratus speciosus)male

Out of Stock!

Orange-legged swift spider (Nyssus coloripes) Forest Form

Out of Stock!

Orange-legged swift spider (Nyssus coloripes) SA mallee form.

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Orange-spot bombardier beetle (Craspedophorus australasiae)

Out of Stock!

Oreo Crab Spider (Sidymella sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Ornate burrowing cockroach (Macropanesthia kraussiana)

Out of Stock!

Ornate ground assassin bug (Ectomocoris ornata)

Out of Stock!

Painted Crab Spider (Tharpyna sp. 2)

Out of Stock!

Painted ground spider (Ceryerda cursitans) missing leg

Out of Stock!

Painted stick insect (Anchiale briaerus)

Out of Stock!

Painted wolf spider (Undescribed)

Out of Stock!

Pale trapdoor spider (Arbanitis sp.)

Out of Stock!

Pale-legged millipede (Spirobolida) - glow under UV!

Out of Stock!

Palisade Spiny Trapdoor Spider (Cataxia sp. "Missing Link")

Out of Stock!

Palisade Spiny Trapdoor Spider (Cataxia sp. "Missing Link") Captive Bred Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Pantropical Tuxedo Jumper (Menemerus bivittatus) Captive Bred juvie

Out of Stock!

Pantropical Tuxedo Jumper (Menemerus bivittatus) Male

Out of Stock!

Pantropical Tuxedo Jumper Juvie (Menemerus bivittatus)

Out of Stock!

Pantropical Tuxedo Jumper(Menemerus bivittatus)Female

Out of Stock!

Paperbark Mantis (Ima fusca)

Out of Stock!

Pebble-mimicking jumping spider (Undescribed Saitis sp1) Female

Out of Stock!

Pebble-mimicking jumping spider (Undescribed Saitis sp1) Juvies

Out of Stock!

Pebble-mimicking Spider (Saitis sp. 1) Male

Out of Stock!

Pilbara ground beetle (Carabidae)

Out of Stock!

Pilbara ground beetle (Carabidae)

Out of Stock!

Pilbara termite hunter (Pthersigena sp.)

Out of Stock!

Pillbugs (Armadillidium vulgare)

Out of Stock!

Pink Flower Spider (Tharrhalea evanida)

Out of Stock!

Pink-kneed Black Wishbone (Aname sp. 13)

Out of Stock!

Plum Wishbone Spider (Teyl sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Pod racers (Buddelundiinae)

Out of Stock!

Pop-up Mesh Enclosure 30cmx30cm

Out of Stock!

Predatory ground beetle (Carabidae)

Out of Stock!

Pretty Rock Hopper (Undescribed Euophyrinae) Unsexed Captive Bred Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Pretty Rock Hopper Female (Undescribed Euophyrinae)

Out of Stock!

Pretty rockhopper (Undescribed Euophyrinae, more than likely Saitis sp.) CB Male

Out of Stock!

Pretty rockhopper (Undescribed Euophyrinae, more than likely Saitis sp.) Male

Out of Stock!

Prince Jumping spider (Opisthoncus nigrofemoratus) Male

Out of Stock!

Prince or Princess (Opisthoncus negrofemoratus) Captive Bred Juvenile

Out of Stock!

Prince or Princess (Opisthoncus negrofemoratus) Juvenile

Out of Stock!

Princess Jumping spider (Opisthoncus nigrofemoratus) Female

Out of Stock!

Pseudoscorpion (Conicochernes sp.)

Out of Stock!

Purple-Eyed Rainforest Katydid (Austrosalomona destructor)

Out of Stock!

Purple-winged mantid (Tenodera australasiae)

Out of Stock!

Purple-Winged Mantis (Tenodera australasiae) Adult females

Out of Stock!

Purple-Winged Mantis (Tenodera australasiae) captive-bred nymphs

Out of Stock!

Purple-Winged Mantis (Tenodera australasiae) Sub-Adult Female

Out of Stock!

Pygmy Rainforest tarantula (Coremiocnemis tropix) CB juveniles

Out of Stock!

Pygmy Rainforest tarantula (Coremiocnemis tropix) male

Out of Stock!

Queen of Ants 'Royale' Acrylic Ant Nest Formicarium- Large

Out of Stock!

Queen of Ants 'Royale' Acrylic Ant Nest Formicarium- Medium

Out of Stock!

Queen of Ants 'Royale' Acrylic Ant Nest Formicarium- Small

Out of Stock!

Queen of Ants 'Tiny Home' Founding Ant Farm Nest

Out of Stock!

Queensland grey huntsman (Isopeda queenslandensis)

Out of Stock!

Racing-stripe crevice jumping spider (Ocrisiona leucocomis)

Out of Stock!

Rainbow jumping spider (Cosmophasis micariodes) female

Out of Stock!

Rainbow jumping spider (Cosmophasis micariodes) juvie

Out of Stock!

Rainbow Tiger Beetle (Psuedotetracha australis) with optional kit

Out of Stock!

Rainbow Tree Beetle (Chalcopteroides sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Rainforest brushfooted trapdoor (Mandjelia commoni)

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Rainforest ground beetle (Carabidae)

Out of Stock!

Rainforest scorpion (Hormurus sp. 'Cairns')

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Rainforest scorpion (Hormurus sp.3) Large Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Rainforest Scorpion Captive Bred Juvie (Hormurus sp.)

Out of Stock!

Rainforest wishbone spider (Namea dahmsi)

Out of Stock!

Rainforest Wood Scorpion (Cercophonius queenslandae) juvenile

Out of Stock!

Random brown jumper (Unknown sp.)

Out of Stock!

Red and Black Assassin bug (Havinthus rufovarius)

Out of Stock!

Red and Gold Ant-Mimicking Jumping spider (Unidentified species No 2)

Out of Stock!

Red and Yellow Assassin bug (Gminatus wallengreni)

Out of Stock!

Red bark jumping spider (Servaea sp.) juvenile

Out of Stock!

Red bark scorpion (Lychas spinatus)

Out of Stock!

Red dune wolf spider (Arid Lycosidae 15) captive-bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Red Eyeliner Wolf Spider (Arid Lycosidae 8)

Out of Stock!

Red fringed isopods (Merulana helmsiana)

Out of Stock!

Red jellybean bug (Leptocoris mitellatus)

Out of Stock!

Red Leaf Beetle (Paropsisterna sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Red Mallee House Centipede

Out of Stock!

Red savannah centipede (Scolopendra morsitans)

Out of Stock!

Red Savannah wolf spider (Hogna sp.)

Out of Stock!

Red striped millipedes (Paradoxosomatidae)

Out of Stock!

Red-fanged Black Trapdoor Spider (Euoplos schmidti)

Out of Stock!

Red-Flanked Predatory Beetle (Secatophis australis)

Out of Stock!

Red-haired Tarantula (Phlogius 'rubiseta') male

Out of Stock!

Red-haired Tarantula (Phlogius 'rubiseta') small

Out of Stock!

Red-headed centipede (Scolopendra morsitans Denham WA locale) pedelings

Out of Stock!

Red-headed centipede (Scolopendra morsitans)

Out of Stock!

Red-headed hopper (Maratus griseus) regular form captive bred juvie

Out of Stock!

Red-headed jumping spider (Maratus griseus) Captive Bred Young Sub/Adult Female

Out of Stock!

Red-headed jumping spider (Maratus griseus) Female

Out of Stock!

Red-headed jumping spider (Maratus griseus) Males

Out of Stock!

Red-headed jumping spider (Maratus griseus) Males Captive Bred Sub/Adults

Out of Stock!

Red-headed jumping spider leopard form (Maratus griseus) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Red-legged millipede (Heterocladosoma bifalcatum)

Out of Stock!

Red-Legged Predatory Beetle (Carabidae sp)

Out of Stock!

Red-legged trapdoor spider (Arbanitis andrewsi)

Out of Stock!

Red-legged Wishbone spider (Stanwellia sp. Cranbourne)

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Red-spotted house centipede (Allotherua maculata) small

Out of Stock!

Red-thighed Wishbone Spider (Proshermacha sp. 5) juvenile

Out of Stock!

Red-Thighed Wolf Spider (Undescribed genus) Captive Bred juvies

Out of Stock!

Red-Triangle Slug (Tribonophorus graffei)

Out of Stock!

Regal trapdoor spider (Euoplos regalis)

Out of Stock!

Resin Granite with Grass Cave Hide

Out of Stock!

Resplendent ant spider (Zodariidae sp. 6)

Out of Stock!

Ribbed ground beetle (Carabidae)

Out of Stock!

River Centipede (Cormocephalus esulcatus)

Out of Stock!

River Centipede (Cormocephalus esulcatus) missing leg

Out of Stock!

Robinson's Stick insect (Candovia robinsoni)

Out of Stock!

Robust curtain-web spider (Cethegus robustus)

Out of Stock!

Robust curtain-web spider (Cethegus robustus) Captive Bred Juvie

Out of Stock!

Robust Northern Jumper (Simaetha robustior)

Out of Stock!

Robust Northern Jumper (Simaetha robustior) male

Out of Stock!

Robust sac spider (Clubiona robusta)

Out of Stock!

Robust Wishbone Spider (Aname sp. 9)

Out of Stock!

Rose-Gold Jumper (Cytaea plumbeiventris) Female

Out of Stock!

Rose-gold jumping spider (Cytaea plumbeiventris) Juvenile

Out of Stock!

Rose-gold jumping spider (Cytaea plumbeiventris) juvie missing a leg

Out of Stock!

Rose-gold jumping spider (Cytaea plumbeiventris) sub-adult/adult male

Out of Stock!

Rose-gold jumping spider (Cytaea sp.)

Out of Stock!

Rose-Gold Wolf Spider (Hoggicosa alfi)

Out of Stock!

Round green crab spider (Thomisidae)

Out of Stock!

Round Pie-dish beetle (Pterohelaeus sp.)

Out of Stock!

Royal Blue/Purple Centipede (Scolopendra laeta gibber form)

Out of Stock!

Rusty Wolf Spider (Undescribed species)

Out of Stock!

Salt Lake Scorpion (Australobuthus xerolimniorum)

Out of Stock!

Salt lake wolf spider (Teteralycosa eyrei)

Out of Stock!

Salt Lake Wolf Spider (Tetralycosa species)

Out of Stock!

Saltbush wolf spider (Lycosa sp.)

Out of Stock!

Sand dune Grasshopper (Urnisella rubropunctata)

Out of Stock!

Sand dune raspy cricket (Gryllacrididae)

Out of Stock!

Sand mimicking wolf spider sp.1 (Probably Venatrix sp.)

Out of Stock!

Sand mimicking wolf spider sp.2 (Unidentified Lycosidae)

Out of Stock!

Sand mimicking wolf spider sp.3 (Unidentified Lycosidae)

Out of Stock!

Sand-mimicking wolf spider ('Alopecosa' sp.)

Out of Stock!

Sandstone Acacia Grasshopper (Coryphistes RD sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Sandstone jumping spider (Undescribed species)

Out of Stock!

Sandstone rockhopper (Euophyrinae)

Out of Stock!

Sandy wolf spider (Lycosa ariadnae)

Out of Stock!

Sea-Green Jumper (Cosmophasis thalassina) captive bred juvenile

Out of Stock!

Sea-green jumper (Cosmophasis thalassina) female

Out of Stock!

Sea-Green Jumper (Cosmophasis thalassina) male

Out of Stock!

Sea-Green Jumper (Cosmophasis thalassina)juvenile

Out of Stock!

Shaggy Beach Jumper (Euophyrinae)

Out of Stock!

Shimmering ground spider (Gnaphosidae sp.)

Out of Stock!

Shining ant mimic (Damoetas nitidus)

Out of Stock!

Short-jawed ground beetle (Carabidae sp. 4)

Out of Stock!

Shuttlecock wolf spider (Mainosa longipes)

Out of Stock!

Silver-Haired Trapdoor Spider (Arbanitis gracilis) slings

Out of Stock!

Simathula sp

Out of Stock!

Six-marked jumper (Opisthoncus sexmaculata)

Out of Stock!

Skeletor isopods (Armadilidae)

Out of Stock!

Slater-eating spider (Dysdera crocata)

Out of Stock!

Slender Bush Katydid (Polichne parvicauda)

Out of Stock!

Slender grass mantis (Rhodomantis disparilis) nymph

Out of Stock!

Slender green orb weaver (Araneus talipedatus)

Out of Stock!

Slender lynx spider (Oxyopes macilentus)

Out of Stock!

Slender Spider-hunting scorpion (Isometroides angusticaudus group 1)

Out of Stock!

Small Mystery Female Wolf

Out of Stock!

Small Round Darkling Beetles (Tenebrionidae)

Out of Stock!

Small Striped Prowling spider (Miturga sp. 5)

Out of Stock!

Smooth isopod lucky dip (Porcellio laevis)

Out of Stock!

Smooth Mallee Wolf Spider (Arid Lycosidae sp. 5)

Out of Stock!

Smooth slaters (Porcellio laevis)

Out of Stock!

Snake Mantis (Kongobatha diademata) nymphs

Out of Stock!

Social Huntsman (Delena cancerides)

Out of Stock!

Social Huntsman (Delena cancerides) captive-bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Southern boxer bark mantis (Paraoxypilus tasmaniensis)

Out of Stock!

Southern Grey Wolf spider (Venatrix penola)

Out of Stock!

Southern Queensland melon snail (Xanthomelon pachystylum)

Out of Stock!

Southern Rainforest Huntsman (Heteropoda procera)

Out of Stock!

Speckled Orb-weaver (Araneus circulissparsus)

Out of Stock!

Speckled scorpion (Lychas multipunctatus)

Out of Stock!

Spectacular crab spider (Thomisus spectabilis) juvie

Out of Stock!

Spider-hunting scorpion (Isometroides sp. 2) Roxby Downs Locality

Out of Stock!

Spider-hunting scorpion (Isometroides vescus) 'yellow' Northern mallee/mulga form

Out of Stock!

Spiky Gibber wolf spider (Arid Lycosidae 10)

Out of Stock!

Spiny rainforest katydid (Phricta spinosa) nymphs

Out of Stock!

Spiny Trapdoor Spider (Cataxia sp. Mt. Cootha)

Out of Stock!

Splendid Marbled Scorpion (Lychas variatus)

Out of Stock!

Splendid Marbled Scorpion (Lychas variatus) Captive bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Spotted beach jumper (Opisthoncus sp.)

Out of Stock!

Spotted Brushfooted trapdoor (Seqocrypta jakara) slings

Out of Stock!

Spotted Crab Spider (Tharpyna sp. "Adelaide")

Out of Stock!

Spotted rockhopper (Euophyrinae)

Out of Stock!

Spotted wishbone spider (Teyloides bakeri)

Out of Stock!

Spotted wishbone spider (Teyloides bakeri) Captive Bred slings

Out of Stock!

Springtail Kit or Springtails Only

Out of Stock!

Starry Velvet Worm (Euperipatoides sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Stick Insect Enclosure (Inclusive of shipping)

Out of Stock!

Stick Insect Variety Pack - Cyclone Larrys x 3, Spiny Leaf x 2

Out of Stock!

Stick-Insect Companion Pack

Out of Stock!

Stone centipede (Lithobiomorpha)

Out of Stock!

Stony desert isopod (Undescribed genus)

Out of Stock!

Strawberries and Cream Prowling spider (Odo sp. 4)

Out of Stock!

Strawberry Trapdoor Spider (Cataxia babindaensis) juvenile

Out of Stock!

Strawberry Wolf Spider (Alopecosa leonhardii)

Out of Stock!

Striped brown trapdoor spider (Arbanitis sp. Thornleigh)

Out of Stock!

Striped Centipede (Scolopendra laeta)

Out of Stock!

Striped gibber jumper (Jotus sp. 'Woomera') captive bred juvenile

Out of Stock!

Striped Golden Trapdoor (Euoplos variabilis)

Out of Stock!

Striped Grass Mantis (Archimantis sobrina) Captive Bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Striped Ground beetle (Amblytelus sp. 1)

Out of Stock!

Striped House-Hopper (Maratus scutalatum) Adult Female

Out of Stock!

Striped House-Hopper (Maratus scutalatum) Captive Bred Juvie

Out of Stock!

Striped House-Hopper (Maratus scutalatum) Captive Bred Sub-adult/Adult male

Out of Stock!

Striped House-Hopper (Maratus scutalatum) Captive Bred Sub/Adult Female

Out of Stock!

Striped House-Hopper (Maratus scutalatum) Juvie

Out of Stock!

Striped House-Hopper (Maratus scutalatum) male

Out of Stock!

Striped jumping spider (Cytaea sp.)

Out of Stock!

Striped lynx spider (Oxyopes variabilis) Male and female mature pair

Out of Stock!

Striped Meadow Huntsman (Neosparassus sp. 2)

Out of Stock!

Striped prowling spider (Miturga sp. cf lineata 2)

Out of Stock!

Striped woodlouse (Philosciidae)

Out of Stock!

Stripes (Undescribed genus)

Out of Stock!

Strobe ant mimic jumping spider (Myrmarachne bicolor) female

Out of Stock!

Sunburst wolf spider (Tasmanicosa harmsi) adults

Out of Stock!

Sunburst wolf spider (Tasmanicosa harmsi) Centralian desert form

Out of Stock!

Sunburst wolf spider Juveniles (Tasmanicosa harmsi)

Out of Stock!

Superb jumping spider (Sandalodes superbus) Captive Born Sub-Adult Female

Out of Stock!

Superb jumping spider (Sandalodes superbus) Captive Born Juvie

Out of Stock!

Superb jumping spider (Sandalodes superbus) Captive Born Male

Out of Stock!

Swift's banded jumping spider (Zenodorus swiftorum)

Out of Stock!

Sydney grey huntsman (Isopeda villosa) Captive bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

Tan Union-jack wolf spider (Lycosidae)

Out of Stock!

Tan Wandering ghost spider (Argoctenus sp. 4)

Out of Stock!

Tennis Earwig (Carcinophora occidentalis) nymph

Out of Stock!

Termite assassin bug (Tegea atropicta)

Out of Stock!

Tesselated wishbone spider (Ixamatus caldera)

Out of Stock!

Tessellated stick insect (Anchiale austrotessulata)

Out of Stock!

The BIG Bug Box no kit

Out of Stock!

The BIG Bug Box with Basic Mantis Kit

Out of Stock!

The BIG Bug Box with Kit

Out of Stock!

The Bug Box with optional kit

Out of Stock!

The Centinel² - Centipede Kit

Out of Stock!

The Cleanup Crew (Isopods and Springtails)

Out of Stock!

Tiger Arena

Out of Stock!

Tiger millipedes (Polydesmida)

Out of Stock!

Tinaroo thicket snail (Spurlingia tinarooensis)

Out of Stock!

Titan stick insect (Acrophylla titan)

Out of Stock!

Transparent green crab spider (Sidymella sp.)

Out of Stock!

Trapdoor spider (Stanwellia sp. Kilmore)

Out of Stock!

Trapdoor wolf spider (Portacosa cinerea) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Trapezoidal crab spider (Sidymella sp.) male missing leg

Out of Stock!

Tree Centipede (Cormocephalus sp.) Juvenile

Out of Stock!

Tri-coloured centipede (Scolopendra morsitans Shark Bay WA form) adults

Out of Stock!

Tri-coloured centipede (Scolopendra morsitans Shark Bay WA form) juveniles

Out of Stock!

Trilobite Roaches (Laxta sp.)

Out of Stock!

Tuxedo peacock spider (Maratus proszynskii)

Out of Stock!

Tuxedo wolf spider (Venatrix psuedospeciosa) females

Out of Stock!

Tuxedo wolf spider (Venatrix psuedospeciosa) juvenile

Out of Stock!

Tuxedo wolf spider (Venatrix psuedospeciosa)CB males

Out of Stock!

Two-spot jumper (Sandalodes scopifer) Juvie

Out of Stock!

Two-Tailed Spider (Tamopsis flickerti) - Great for handling!

Out of Stock!

Two-toned ground spider (Gnaphosidae sp. 3)

Out of Stock!

Two-toned millipede (Somethus castaneus) captive bred juvie

Out of Stock!

Two-toned millipede (Somethus castaneus) giant form

Out of Stock!

Two-Toned Wishbone Spider (Aname sp. 7)

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Two-toned Wolf Spider (Hoggicosa bicolor) Golden form

Out of Stock!

Two-toned wolf spider (Hoggicosa bicolor) WA Form

Out of Stock!

Two-toned wolf spider (Hoggicosa forresti) CB juveniles

Out of Stock!

Union-Jack wolf spider (Tasmanicosa gilberta)

Out of Stock!

Union-jack wolf spider (Tasmanicosa leuckartii)

Out of Stock!

Union-jack wolf spider (Tasmanicosa leuckartii) Captive Bred Juveniles

Out of Stock!

Unknown melon snails (Xanthomelon sp.)

Out of Stock!

Unorthodox jumping spider (Adoxotoma nitida) Unsexed Adult

Out of Stock!

Unusual zebra jumper ( Possibly Tara sp.)

Out of Stock!

Violet-winged stick insect (Didymuria violescens) nymphs

Out of Stock!

Walnut Hide

Out of Stock!

Wandering ghost spider (Argoctenus sp. 2)

Out of Stock!

Wandering ghost spider (Argoctenus sp. 3)

Out of Stock!

Wandering spider (Miturgidae sp.)

Out of Stock!

Warpaint Beach Ghost (Argoctenus sp. 7)

Out of Stock!

Wasp Mimic Ocrisiona (Ocrisiona sp. 2)

Out of Stock!

Western Black Mirror Peacock Spider (Maratus speculifer) Captive Bred Sub-Adult/Adult male

Out of Stock!

Western Black Mirror Peacock Spider (Maratus speculifer) Male

Out of Stock!

Western Black Mirror Peacock Spider (Maratus speculifer) Adult Female

Out of Stock!

Western Black Mirror Peacock Spider (Maratus speculifer) captive bred female

Out of Stock!

Western Black Mirror Peacock Spider (Maratus speculifer) captive bred juvie

Out of Stock!

Western Grey Huntsman (Isopeda leishmanni)

Out of Stock!

Western Rainbow Centipede (Cormocephalus hartmeyeri)

Out of Stock!

Western wood scorpion (Cercophonius sulcatus)

Out of Stock!

Westwood's Green Centipede (Cormocephalus westwoodi)

Out of Stock!

White flat spider (Trochanteriidae)

Out of Stock!

White Halo Wolf spider (Possibly Venatrix sp.)

Out of Stock!

White Isopods (Porcellio scaber) x 5

Out of Stock!

White jointed jumper (Pungalina sp.)

Out of Stock!

White Margined Cockroach (Methana marginalis) CB

Out of Stock!

White Savannah wolf spider ('Hogna' sp.)

Out of Stock!

White socks (Undescribed species)

Out of Stock!

White-backed millipedes (Polydesmidae)

Out of Stock!

White-Banded Millipede (Australocricus sennae)

Out of Stock!

White-Haired Peacock jumping spider (Maratus Albus) Female

Out of Stock!

White-Haired Peacock jumping spider (Maratus Albus) Male

Out of Stock!

White-kneed king cricket (Penalva flavocalceata)

Out of Stock!

White-striped garden mantis (Orthodera marginata) captive bred juveniles

Out of Stock!

White-Trimmed Jumper (Zenodorus orbiculatus)

Out of Stock!

Woodward's Giant Huntsman (Isopeda woodwardi)

Out of Stock!

Yellow Mallee Centipede (Cormocephalus sp. 4)

Out of Stock!

Yellow Marbled Crab Spider (Australomisidia cruentata)

Out of Stock!

Yellow marked jumper (Pungalina sp)

Out of Stock!

Yellow Marked Flower Spider (Austrolomisidia sp)

Out of Stock!

Yellow palps (Undescribed species)

Out of Stock!

Yellow Sand Scorpion (Lychas 'buchari' Roxby Downs locale)

Out of Stock!

Yellow spot assassin bug (Peirates sp.)

Out of Stock!

Yellow trapdoor spider (Blakistonia "sp.1") juveniles

Out of Stock!

Yellow trapdoor spider (Blakistonia aurea) Williamstown green form

Out of Stock!

Yellow tree scorpion (Reddyanus species)

Out of Stock!