Esthetic Ants

keeping ants as pets.
Esthetic Ants has 38 ant colonies and 134 other products in stock.

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category Products

ant Ant colonies

Camponotus sylvaticus

Camponotus sylvaticus


Pheidole spec.

Pheidole sp.


Rhytidoponera metallica

Rhytidoponera metallica (Green-head ant) + Setup Deal!

€99.95 - €124.95

Formica sanguinea

Starterset with Formica sanguinea Colony - Combi Deal


Anochetus spec.

Anochetus sp.

Out of Stock!

Anoplolepis gracilipes

Anoplolepis gracilipes (Yellow Crazy Ants)

Out of Stock!

Camponotus acvapimensis

Camponotus cf. acvapimensis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus fellah

Camponotus fellah

Out of Stock!

Camponotus mitis

Camponotus mitis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus turkestanus

Camponotus turcestanus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus turkestanicus

Camponotus turkestanicus

Out of Stock!

Cataglyphis iberica

Cataglyphis ibérica

Out of Stock!

Crematogaster carinata

Crematogaster cf. carinata

Out of Stock!

Crematogaster osakensis

Crematogaster osakensis

Out of Stock!

Dinomyrmex gigas

Dinomyrmex gigas

Out of Stock!

Formica rufa

Formica rufa

Out of Stock!

Goniomma hispanicum

Goniomma hispanicum

Out of Stock!

Lasius fuliginosus

Lasius fuliginosus

Out of Stock!

Lepisiota frauenfeldi

Lepisiota frauenfeldi

Out of Stock!

Messor aciculatus

Messor aciculatus

Out of Stock!

Myopopone castanea

Myopopone castanea

Out of Stock!

Myrmoteras binghamii

Myrmoteras binghamii

Out of Stock!

Oxyopomyrmex saulcyi

Oxyopomyrmex saulcyi

Out of Stock!

Pheidole koshewnikovi

Pheidole cf. koshewnikovi

Out of Stock!

Pheidole obtusospinosa

Pheidole obtusospinosa

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis armata

Polyrhachis armata

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis bihamata

Polyrhachis bihamata

Out of Stock!

Camponotus cruentatus

Starterset with Camponotus cruentatus Colony - Combi Deal

Out of Stock!

Camponotus irritans

Starterset with Camponotus irritans Colony - Combi Deal

Out of Stock!

Camponotus pilicornis

Starterset with Camponotus pilicornis Colony - Combi Deal

Out of Stock!

Tapinoma melanocephalum

Tapinoma melanocephalum

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

3 ML Syringe

Recently updated

Acrylic Inserts For 150mm Test Tubes


All-in-one Cork Ant Nest Type B


All-in-one Cork Nest Type A


All-in-one Wooden Ant Nest Type B


All-in-one Wooden Nest Type A


Ant Keeping Starter Set - Founding Colony (With Free Ants)


Ant Vacuum


Applying Brush


Black Shield For Acrylic Nests

€1.48 - €1.98

Black Shield For XL Mesh Nest


Black Shield For Ytong Nests

€1.48 - €4.48

Box of Test Tubes 70-93 pieces

€19.95 - €24.95

Bubble-free stickers

€4.00 - €10.00

Bubble-free stickers

€4.00 - €10.00

Clear Test Tube

€0.50 - €0.95

Coco Peat Soil


Colossal Feeder


Complete Set - Large


Complete Set - Medium


Complete Set - Small


Deluxe Medium Outworld

Recently updated

DIY Ytong Block | The Tower




Feeding Dish


Feeding Tower


Feet For The Tower Nests

Recently updated

Field Crickets


Fluon (Anti-Escape prevention)

Recently updated

Fourmi Fountain

Recently updated

Heat Cable

Recently updated

Heat Cable Clips For The Tower Nests


Heat Mat


Heat Mat Clips For The Tower Nests


Heat Mat with Temperature Controller


House Crickets

Recently updated

Large Acrylic Nest


Large Colossal Feeder

Recently updated

Large Fruit Flies


Large Horizontal Wooden Ant Nest (Red Shield Included)


Large Mesh Nest


Large Outworld


Large Test Tube

Recently updated

Large Vertical Wooden Ant Nest (Red Shield Included)


Large Ytong - Type A


Liquid Feeder

€2.45 - €6.45

Mealworms – The Ultimate Protein Source for Your Ant Colony

€0.95 - €9.95
Recently updated

Medium Mesh Nest


Medium Outworld


Medium Rectangular Wooden Ant Nest


Medium Vertical Wooden Ant Nest


Medium Ytong - Type A

Recently updated

Medium Ytong - Type B | The Tower


Medium+ Outworld


Mini Outworld - Test Tube Portal

Recently updated

Mobile feeder platform


Mystery Box


Natural Feeding Dish


Opaque Lid For Mesh Nests

€0.98 - €2.48


€5.95 - €6.95
Recently updated

Plastic Stopper


Plastic Tweezers


Post-Major Harvester Seed Mix


Pre-Major Harvester Seed Mix

€1.95 - €14.95

Red Clay Sand - 100 Grams


Red Shield For Acrylic Nests

€1.48 - €1.98

Red Shield For Mesh Nests

€2.95 - €9.95

Red Shield For Ytong Nests

€1.48 - €4.48



Second Life | Ants Cast Inside Resin | Keychain

Recently updated

Simple Outworld | Test & Tubes

€3.71 - €26.21
Recently updated

Small Mesh Nest


Small Outworld

Recently updated

Small Outworld Test Tube Adapter


Small Rectangular Wooden Ant Nest

Recently updated

Small Vertical Cork Nest


Small Ytong - Type A

Recently updated

Small Ytong - Type B | The Tower


Snapcap Vial


Soft Touch Tweezer 11,5cm


Soft Touch Tweezer 16cm


Spare Sponge


Spare Ytong Block

€2.36 - €3.16
Recently updated

Special Lid For 3D-Printed Mesh Nest

€3.95 - €5.95

Spiral Jelly Holder

€4.95 - €7.45

Stainless steel tumbler


Sugary Tower

€1.95 - €3.95

Test Tube Cover

Recently updated

Test Tube Feeding Dish


Test Tube Feeding Insert


Test Tube Holder


Test Tube Outworld Connection

Recently updated

Test Tube to 10mm Tube Connector


The Bin


The Nano Nest


Tiny Ytong - Type A | The Tower


Tiny Ytong - Type B | The Tower


Transparent Flexible Tubing 10mm

€0.95 - €4.95

Transparent Flexible Tubing 15mm

€1.95 - €5.95

Tube Connectors


Unisex Hoodie


Vanilla Flavoured Sugar Water

€4.95 - €49.95

Vented Stopper


White Bottom Plate For Outworld

€1.98 - €7.98

White glossy mug - I Just Freaking Love Ants Ok?

€14.50 - €15.75

Wooden Ant Puzzle – DIY Assembly Kit


XL Mesh Nest


XL Ytong - Type A | The Tower


XL Ytong - Type B | The Tower


Activated Heatpack

Out of Stock!

Advanced Ant Habitat Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Out of Stock!

All-in-one Cork Ant Nest Large + Large Outworld

Out of Stock!

Bamboo Tubes

Out of Stock!

Cotton Ball

Out of Stock!

Cubaris "Panda King"

Out of Stock!

Founding Acrylic Nest

Out of Stock!

Fourmi Seeder

Out of Stock!

Large Vertical Cork Nest

Out of Stock!

Large Wooden Ant Nest With Humidity Chamber

Out of Stock!

Medium Acrylic Nest

Out of Stock!

Medium Outworld Test Tube Adapter

Out of Stock!

Medium Wooden Ant Nest With Humidity Chamber

Out of Stock!

Odontotermes formosanus

Out of Stock!

Plaster Test Tube Insert

Out of Stock!

Porcellio laevis "Dairy Cows"

Out of Stock!

Porcellio scaber "Lava"

Out of Stock!

Reticulitermes grassei

Out of Stock!

Simple Ant Habitat Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Out of Stock!

Small Acrylic Nest

Out of Stock!

Talchohol (Anti-Escape prevention)

Out of Stock!