Exotic Ants

Exotic Ants has 0 ant colonies and 1 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Camponotus rufipes

Camponotus cf. rufipes

Out of Stock!

Camponotus rectangularis

Camponotus rectangularis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. 3 (cf. compositor)

Out of Stock!

Azteca spec.

Cecropia cf. peltata mit Azteca sp. besiedelt

Out of Stock!

Cephalotes grandinosus

Cephalotes grandinosus und Cephalotes minutus

Out of Stock!

Crematogaster spec.

Crematogaster sp. (Tococa)

Out of Stock!

Dolichoderus attelaboides

Dolichoderus attelaboides

Out of Stock!

Dolichoderus bidens

Dolichoderus cf. bidens

Out of Stock!

Ectatomma quadridens

Ectatomma cf. quadridens

Out of Stock!

Ectatomma spec.

Ectatomma sp.

Out of Stock!

Gigantiops spec.

Gigantiops sp. (!)

Out of Stock!

Harpegnathos saltator

Harpegnathos saltator

Out of Stock!

Neoponera apicalis

Neoponera apicalis / Pachycondyla apicalis

Out of Stock!

Neoponera spec.

Neoponera sp. / Pacycondyla sp.

Out of Stock!

Neoponera villosa

Neoponera villosa / Pachycondyla villosa

Out of Stock!

Odontomachus chelifer

Odontomachus chelifer

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Odontomachus hastatus

Odontomachus hastatus

Out of Stock!

Pachycondyla impressa

Pachycondyla impressa

Out of Stock!

Pseudomyrmex gracilis

Pseudomyrmex gracilis – braunrot, Südamerika

Out of Stock!

Pseudomyrmex gracilis

Pseudomyrmex gracilis – groß, schwarz, oranger Petiolus;

Out of Stock!

Pseudomyrmex spec.

Pseudomyrmex sp. 1

Out of Stock!

Pseudomyrmex spec.

Pseudomyrmex sp. 2

Out of Stock!
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Odontomachus biubomatus "Faltabdomen "
