
L'Insecterie has 3 ant colonies and 113 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Atta sexdens

Champignon Atta sexdens


Camponotus piceus

Fourmis - Camponotus piceus


Acromyrmex octospinosus

Fourmis - Acromyrmex octospinosus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus cruentatus

Fourmis - Camponotus cruentatus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus fedtschenkoi

Fourmis - Camponotus fedtschenkoi

Out of Stock!

Camponotus herculeanus

Fourmis - Camponotus herculeanus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus lateralis

Fourmis - Camponotus lateralis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus nicobarensis

Fourmis - Camponotus nicobarensis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus pilicornis

Fourmis - Camponotus pilicornis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus vagus

Fourmis - Camponotus vagus

Out of Stock!

Cataglyphis iberica

Fourmis - Cataglyphis iberica

Out of Stock!

Colobopsis truncata

Fourmis - Colobopsis Truncata

Out of Stock!

Formica fusca

Fourmis - Formica fusca

Out of Stock!

Formica lemani

Fourmis - Formica lemani

Out of Stock!

Formica rufibarbis

Fourmis - Formica rufibarbis

Out of Stock!

Formica rufibarbis

Fourmis - Formica rufibarbis

Out of Stock!

Formica sanguinea

Fourmis - Formica sanguinea

Out of Stock!

Lasius flavus

Fourmis - Lasius flavus

Out of Stock!

Lasius grandis

Fourmis - Lasius grandis

Out of Stock!

Messor structor

Fourmis - Messor structor

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax unifasciatus

Fourmis - Temnothorax unifasciatus

Out of Stock!

Acromyrmex octospinosus

Kit coupeuse Acromyrmex octospinosus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus maculatus

Kit Fourmis - Camponotus maculatus

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

Abreuvoir à fourmis


Affiche Abeille


Affiche arbre


Affiche Phasme


Aire de Chasse Fourmis


Aire de chasse Fourmis - Grand format


Aire de Chasse Fourmis Déco au Choix


Aspirateur pour vivarium


Beetle Jelly - Nourriture pour Insectes


Blattes - Ergaula Capucina


Blattes - Eublaberus Distanti


Blattes - Therea Olegrandjeani




Carte - Cadeau l'Insecterie

€10.00 - €100.00

Carte Postale


champignon acromyrmex


Cloportes - Cubaris Caramel Cream

€9.90 - €39.00

Cloportes - Cubaris Panda King

€10.00 - €16.00

Cloportes - Cubaris Panda King Orange

€9.90 - €39.00
Recently updated

Cloportes - Cubaris Rubber Ducky

€9.00 - €16.00

Cloportes - Cubaris White Shark

€7.90 - €29.00

Cloportes - Porcellio laevis dairy cow

€10.00 - €16.00
Recently updated

Critter box


Drosophiles - Proies pour insectes


Eublepharis Kit Tropical 40 Gousses


Fourmilière artificielle - Grand Format

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Fourmilière artificielle en vente sur l’Insecterie


Fourmilière Biorama


Fourmilière creusable en vente sur l'Insecterie


Fourmilière en bois 5 x 5 cm


Fourmilière en bois quart de cercle 7 x 7cm


Grand portes tubes de fourmis


Guide d'Élevage en Classe - Fourmis

€5.00 - €15.00

Guide d'Élevage en Classe - Phasmes

€5.00 - €15.00

Hôtel à insectes


Kit d'élevage - Mante (religieuse)


Kit d'élevage - Papillons

Recently updated

Kit d'élevage de cloportes


Kit d’élevage – Coccinelles LIVRAISON 20/04


Kit Phasme - Open Air


Lampe Vivarium avec Support en Bambou


Le Kit des Grands Explorateurs


Le Kit des Petits Explorateurs




Lot de 3 tube


Loupe à insecte


Loupe pour insectes- deluxe


Mangeoire fourmis


Mante - Creobroter sp (Yunnan)

€19.90 - €30.00

Mante - Hierodula membranacea


Mante orchidée - Hymenopus coronatus


Medauroidea sp "Ngo Luong"


Mélange de graines bio pour Messor


Microscope usb x50 - x500


Module de fondation fourmis


Module de Fondation Personalisable


Monstera obliqua peru


Neohirasea fruhstorferi "Tam Dao"


Phasme - Anarchodes (Necroscia) Annulipes


Phasme - Asceles margaritatus


Phasme - Hermagoras cultratolobatus


Phasme - Hermagoras foliopeda


Phasme - Heteropteryx Dilatata


Phasme - Lamachodes sp "Nui Chua"


Phasme - Lobofemora scheirei


Phasme - Lonchodiodes sp "Ilocos"


Phasme - Marmessoidea sp "cat tien"


Phasme - Mnesilochus capreolus


Phasme - Myronides


Phasme - Neohirasea sp "Cat Ba"

€18.00 - €22.00

Phasme - Onchestus rentzi


Phasme - Parapachymorpha Spiniger

€20.00 - €24.00

Phasme - Peruphasma schultei "Pink wings"


Phasme - Pseudosermyle phalangiphora


Phasme - Sungaya inexpectata


Phasme - Tirachoidea biceps (forme blanche)


Phasme Feuille - Phyllium gantungense


Phasme Feuille - Phyllium letiranti


Phasme Feuille - Phyllium tobeloense "Galela"

Recently updated

Phasme Scorpion ou à tiare - Extatosoma tiaratum


Pilea peperomioides




Pince entomologique


Pipette pour insecte


Portes Tubes de Fourmis


Produit anti-évasion


Pseudoproscopia latirostris - Criquet/phasme




Réduve - Platymeris Guttatipennis


Réduve - Psytalla Horrida


Réduve à deux points blancs-Platymeris biguttatus


Sauterelle - Phyllomimus sp truncatus


Shodromantis Aurea


Tapis Chauffant Terrarium


Thermomètre / Hygromètre


Thermostat pour insectes


Tubes à essais



Recently updated

Vivarium de 4L Transparent


Vivarium Mante


Vivarium Open Air 20x20x30 cm


Affiches arbres

Out of Stock!

Alocasia frydek variegata

Out of Stock!

Anisorrhina flavomaculata

Out of Stock!

Article Vivant Reptiliades

Out of Stock!


Out of Stock!

Blattes - Blaberus craniifer

Out of Stock!

Blattes - Gromphadorhina portentosa

Out of Stock!

Blattes - Panchlora nivea

Out of Stock!

Blattes - Pseudoglomeris Magnifica

Out of Stock!

Blattes - Schultesia lampyridiformis

Out of Stock!

Carte Julien Nowak

Out of Stock!

Cétoine - Cetonischema Aeruginosa

Out of Stock!

Cétoine - Chlorocala africana oertzeni

Out of Stock!

Cétoine - Genyondonta Lequeuxi

Out of Stock!

Cétoine - Pachnoda marginata peregrina

Out of Stock!

Cétoine Protaetia Himalayana

Out of Stock!

Cloportes - Armadillidium vulgare albinos

Out of Stock!

Cloportes - Porcellio laevis orange

Out of Stock!

Coccinelle (lot de 50 oeufs)

Out of Stock!

Criquet - Ancylecha fenestrata

Out of Stock!

Criquet - Paraproscopia riedei

Out of Stock!

Criquet - Proscopia scabra

Out of Stock!

Criquet - Tropidacris collaris

Out of Stock!

Criquet - Tropidacris cristata

Out of Stock!

Cryptophyllium limogesi

Out of Stock!

Elevage de Fourmis en Classe

Out of Stock!

Elevage de phasmes en classe

Out of Stock!

Eublepharis Substrat Premium Tropical Soil

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière + Aire de chasse tout-en-un

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière Avec LED + Aire de chasse - Grand Format

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière avec LED intégrée + Aire de chasse

Out of Stock!


Out of Stock!

Fourmilière en bois 11 x 6 cm

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière en bois de hêtre 20 x 6cm

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière en bois demi cercle 17 x 8cm

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière en bois quart de cercle sans écorce 7 x 7cm

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière Modulable

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière ronde en bois de robinier 18cm de diamètre

Out of Stock!

Fourmilière verticale

Out of Stock!

Fourmis - Camponotus Aethiops

Out of Stock!

Fourmis - Camponotus maculatus

Out of Stock!

Fourmis - Tetramorium Méridionale

Out of Stock!

Fourmis - Tretramorium caespitum

Out of Stock!

Grillons Déshydratés 5g

Out of Stock!

Kit 1/2

Out of Stock!

kit accessoire

Out of Stock!

Kit Cadeau - Fourmis - Noel 2024

Out of Stock!

Kit Cadeau - Fourmis Confort - Noel 2024

Out of Stock!

Kit Cadeau - Mante - Noel 2024

Out of Stock!

Kit Cadeau - Phasme - Noel 2024

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Kit d'élevage - Phasme

Out of Stock!

Kit d'élevage - Phidippus (araignée sauteuse)

Out of Stock!

Kit d'élevage de cloporte - Porcellio laevis "dairy cow"

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Kit d'élevage de drosophiles

Out of Stock!

Kit Décoration Vivarium Insectes

Out of Stock!

Kit Mante - Confort

Out of Stock!

livre gomel

Out of Stock!

Mante - Acontista mexicana

Out of Stock!

Mante - Euchomenella heteroptera

Out of Stock!

Mante - Pseudempusa pinnapavonis

Out of Stock!

Mante - Sphodromantis viridis "Cap bon, Maroua"

Out of Stock!

Mante - Stagmatoptera biocellata

Out of Stock!

Mante - Stagmatoptera femoralis

Out of Stock!

Mante feuille - Creobroter gemmatus

Out of Stock!

Mante feuille - Phyllocrania paradoxa

Out of Stock!


Out of Stock!

Mousse décoration fourmis

Out of Stock!

Nourriture à fourmis

Out of Stock!

Petite Fourmilière Décoration Egypte

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Acanthomenexenus polyacanthus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Achrioptera manga

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Anchiale briareus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Andropromachus scutatus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Aretaon sp (Palawan)

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Asystata sp "Quezon"

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Dajaca Napolovi

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Dares philippinensis

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Diapherodes gigantea

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Diapherodes jamaicensis "blue Mountains"

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Epidares nolimetangere

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Eurycantha calcarata

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Eurycantha insularis (coriacea)

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Gigas « Jailolo »

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Haaniella dehaanii

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Haaniella echinata

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Hermagoras Sigillatus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Lamponius guerini

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Lonchodes dalawangsungay

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Lonchodes Jejunus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Lonchodiodes samarensis

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Phasme - Mearnsiana bullosa

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Medaurini sp Cuc Phuong

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Medauroidea sp

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Medauromorpha regina

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Mithrenes panayensis

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Mnesilochus portentosus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Neohirasea fruhstorferi

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Neohirasea maerens

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Neohirasea nana

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Neohirasea sp "Monkey Island"

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Neohirasea sp "Tai Po Kau"

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Neophasma subapterum

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Nuichua rabaeyae

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Oreophoetes peruana

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Orthomeria kangi

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Orxines xiphias

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Oxyartes vietnamensis

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Paramenexenus Laetus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Parectatosoma moquerysi

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Periphetes forcipatus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Phryganistria heusii yentuensis

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Pseudophasma fulvum

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Pseudophasma subapterum

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Pterohirasea nigrolineata

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Ramulus sp (Ba Vi / Viêt-nam)

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Ramulus sp « Togian Islands »

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Rhaphiderus spinigerus

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Sipyloidea Biplagiata

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Spinohirasea Bengalensis

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Taraxippus samarae "Siquirres"

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Tirachoidea jianfenglingensis

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Tirachoidea siamensis

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Tisamenus serratorius

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Tisamenus sp "Cagayan"

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Trachyaretaon carmelae

Out of Stock!

Phasme - Trachythorax albomaculatus "Kon Chu Rang"

Out of Stock!

Phasme Feuille - Phyllium elegans

Out of Stock!

Phasme Feuille - Phyllium ericoriai

Out of Stock!

Phasme Feuille - Phyllium hausleithneri

Out of Stock!

Phasme Feuille - Phyllium nisus "Bukit Daun"

Out of Stock!

Phasme Feuille - Phyllium philippinicum

Out of Stock!

Phasme Feuille - Phyllium Tobeloense

Out of Stock!

Phasme Feuille Géant - Phyllium giganteum

Out of Stock!

Phidippus Regius Bahamas

Out of Stock!

Phidippus Regius Bahamas White

Out of Stock!

Phidippus Regius Everglade

Out of Stock!


Out of Stock!

Porte vivarium

Out of Stock!

Proies - Blattes - Red Runner

Out of Stock!

Proies - Poissons d'argent / Thermobies

Out of Stock!

Réduve - Platymeris laevicollis

Out of Stock!

Réduve - Platymeris rhadamanthus (ex "Mombo")

Out of Stock!

Sauterelle - Erianthus versicolor

Out of Stock!

Sauterelle - Stilpnochlora couloniana

Out of Stock!

Seringue pour Humidification de Fourmilière

Out of Stock!


Out of Stock!

Tapis Chauffant Terrarium 14W

Out of Stock!

Terrarium bio actif sur mesure

Out of Stock!


Out of Stock!

Tirage A4 NOWAK

Out of Stock!

Vers de farine - Proies pour insectes

Out of Stock!

Vivarium Phasme

Out of Stock!

Vivarium phasme

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Vivarium Phasme Grand Format

Out of Stock!

Vivarium pour insectes - Mantes

Out of Stock!