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Aire de Chasse Fourmis
Aire de chasse Fourmis - Grand format
Aire de Chasse Fourmis Déco au Choix
Beetle Jelly - Nourriture pour Insectes
Blattes - Ergaula Capucina
Blattes - Eublaberus Distanti
Blattes - Therea Olegrandjeani
Carte - Cadeau l'Insecterie
€10.00 - €100.00
Cloportes - Cubaris Caramel Cream
€9.90 - €39.00
Cloportes - Cubaris Panda King
€10.00 - €16.00
Cloportes - Cubaris Panda King Orange
€9.90 - €39.00
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Cloportes - Cubaris Rubber Ducky
€9.00 - €16.00
Cloportes - Cubaris White Shark
€7.90 - €29.00
Cloportes - Porcellio laevis dairy cow
€10.00 - €16.00
Fourmilière Biorama
Guide d'Élevage en Classe - Fourmis
€5.00 - €15.00
Guide d'Élevage en Classe - Phasmes
€5.00 - €15.00
Kit d'élevage - Mante (religieuse)
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Kit d'élevage de cloportes
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Kit d’élevage de Fourmis - Pack Fondation DELUXE
Kit d’élevage de Fourmis - Pack Fondation STARTER
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Kit d’incubation pour œufs de phasme
€14.90 - €19.90
Lampe Vivarium avec Support en Bambou
Mante - Creobroter sp (Yunnan)
€19.90 - €30.00
Mante - Hierodula membranacea
Mante - Rhombodera kirbyi
Mante - Rhombodera sp (Thaïlande)
Mante - Sphodromantis Lineola
Mante orchidée - Hymenopus coronatus
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Papillon - Philosamia Ricini Bombyx eri
Phasme - Anarchodes (Necroscia) Annulipes
Phasme - Asceles margaritatus
Phasme - Creoxylus spinosus
Phasme - Hermagoras cultratolobatus
Phasme - Hermagoras foliopeda
Phasme - Heteropteryx Dilatata
Phasme - Hypocyrtus scythrus
Phasme - Lamachodes sp "Nui Chua"
Phasme - Lobofemora scheirei
Phasme - Lonchodiodes sp "Ilocos"
Phasme - Malacomorpha cyllarius
Phasme - Marmessoidea sp "cat tien"
Phasme - Mnesilochus capreolus
Phasme - Myronides
Phasme - Neohirasea sp "Cat Ba"
€18.00 - €22.00
Phasme - Onchestus rentzi
Phasme - Parapachymorpha Spiniger
€20.00 - €24.00
Phasme - Peruphasma schultei
Phasme - Peruphasma schultei "Pink wings"
Phasme - Pseudosermyle phalangiphora
Phasme - Sungaya inexpectata
Phasme - Tirachoidea biceps (forme blanche)
Phasme Feuille - Phyllium gantungense
Phasme Feuille - Phyllium letiranti
Phasme Feuille - Phyllium tobeloense "Galela"
Recently updated
Phasme Scorpion ou à tiare - Extatosoma tiaratum
Pseudoproscopia latirostris - Criquet/phasme
Réduve - Platymeris Guttatipennis
Réduve - Psytalla Horrida
Réduve à deux points blancs-Platymeris biguttatus
Sauterelle - Phyllomimus sp truncatus
Tubes à essais
Œufs de phasmes
€6.90 - €15.00
Anisorrhina flavomaculata
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Blattes - Blaberus craniifer
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Blattes - Gromphadorhina portentosa
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Blattes - Panchlora nivea
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Blattes - Pseudoglomeris Magnifica
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Blattes - Schultesia lampyridiformis
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Cétoine - Cetonischema Aeruginosa
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Cétoine - Chlorocala africana africana
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Cétoine - Chlorocala africana oertzeni
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Cétoine - Coelorhina hornimani
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Cétoine - Dicronorhina conradsi
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Cétoine - Genyondonta Lequeuxi
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Cétoine - Pachnoda marginata peregrina
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Cétoine Protaetia Himalayana
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Cétoine rayée - Dicranorhina derbyana layardi
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Cloportes - Armadillidium vulgare albinos
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Cloportes - Porcellio laevis orange
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Criquet - Ancylecha fenestrata
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Criquet - Paraproscopia riedei
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Criquet - Proscopia scabra
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Criquet - Tropidacris collaris
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Criquet - Tropidacris cristata
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Elevage de Fourmis en Classe
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Elevage de phasmes en classe
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Fourmilière verticale
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Fourmis - Camponotus Aethiops
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Fourmis - Camponotus maculatus
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Fourmis - Tetramorium Méridionale
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Fourmis - Tretramorium caespitum
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Kit d'élevage - Phasme
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Kit d'élevage - Phidippus (araignée sauteuse)
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Mante - Acontista mexicana
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Mante - Euchomenella heteroptera
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Mante - Hierodula majuscula
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Mante - Omomantis zebrata
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Mante - Parablepharis Kuhlii Asiatica
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Mante - Popa spurca
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Mante - Pseudempusa pinnapavonis
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Mante - Pseudoxyops perpulchra
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Mante - Rhombodera stalii
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Mante - Sibylla pretiosa
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Mante - Sphodromantis aurea
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Mante - Sphodromantis sp (Tchad)
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Mante - Sphodromantis viridis "Cap bon, Maroua"
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Mante - Stagmatoptera biocellata
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Mante - Stagmatoptera femoralis
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Mante Feuille - Brancsikia freyi
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Mante feuille - Creobroter gemmatus
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Mante Feuille - Deroplatys desiccata
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Mante feuille - Phyllocrania paradoxa
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Mante Fleur - Chlidonoptera lestoni
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Mante Fleur - Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii
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Papillon - Antherina suraka
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Phasme - Acanthomenexenus polyacanthus
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Phasme - Achrioptera manga
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Phasme - Anchiale briareus
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Phasme - Andropromachus scutatus
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Phasme - Aretaon sp (Palawan)
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Phasme - Asystata sp "Quezon"
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Phasme - Dajaca Napolovi
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Phasme - Dares philippinensis
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Phasme - Diapherodes gigantea
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Phasme - Diapherodes jamaicensis "blue Mountains"
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Phasme - Epidares nolimetangere
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Phasme - Eurycantha calcarata
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Phasme - Eurycantha insularis (coriacea)
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Phasme - Gigas « Jailolo »
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Phasme - Haaniella dehaanii
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Phasme - Haaniella echinata
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Phasme - Hermagoras Sigillatus
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Phasme - Lamponius guerini
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Phasme - Lonchodes dalawangsungay
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Phasme - Lonchodes Jejunus
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Phasme - Lonchodiodes samarensis
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Phasme - Mearnsiana bullosa
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Phasme - Medaurini sp Cuc Phuong
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Phasme - Medauroidea sp
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Phasme - Medauromorpha regina
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Phasme - Mithrenes panayensis
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Phasme - Mnesilochus portentosus
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Phasme - Neohirasea fruhstorferi
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Phasme - Neohirasea maerens
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Phasme - Neohirasea nana
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Phasme - Neohirasea sp "Monkey Island"
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Phasme - Neohirasea sp "Tai Po Kau"
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Phasme - Neophasma subapterum
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Phasme - Nuichua rabaeyae
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Phasme - Oreophoetes peruana
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Phasme - Orthomeria kangi
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Phasme - Orxines xiphias
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Phasme - Oxyartes vietnamensis
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Phasme - Paramenexenus Laetus
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Phasme - Parectatosoma moquerysi
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Phasme - Periphetes forcipatus
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Phasme - Phryganistria heusii yentuensis
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Phasme - Pseudophasma fulvum
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Phasme - Pseudophasma subapterum
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Phasme - Pterohirasea nigrolineata
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Phasme - Ramulus sp (Ba Vi / Viêt-nam)
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Phasme - Ramulus sp « Togian Islands »
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Phasme - Rhaphiderus spinigerus
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Phasme - Sipyloidea Biplagiata
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Phasme - Spinohirasea Bengalensis
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Phasme - Taraxippus samarae "Siquirres"
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Phasme - Tirachoidea jianfenglingensis
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Phasme - Tirachoidea siamensis
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Phasme - Tisamenus serratorius
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Phasme - Tisamenus sp "Cagayan"
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Phasme - Trachyaretaon carmelae
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Phasme - Trachythorax albomaculatus "Kon Chu Rang"
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Phasme Feuille - Phyllium elegans
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Phasme Feuille - Phyllium ericoriai
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Phasme Feuille - Phyllium hausleithneri
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Phasme Feuille - Phyllium nisus "Bukit Daun"
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Phasme Feuille - Phyllium philippinicum
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Phasme Feuille - Phyllium Tobeloense
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Phasme Feuille Géant - Phyllium giganteum
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Plante Carnivore - Kit Bouture
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Réduve - Platymeris laevicollis
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Réduve - Platymeris rhadamanthus (ex "Mombo")
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Sauterelle - Erianthus versicolor
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Sauterelle - Stilpnochlora couloniana
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Tube de connexion pour Fourmilière et Aire de Chasse
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Vivarium pour insectes - Mantes
Out of Stock!