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Black Carpenter Ants (C. pennsylvanicus)
US$68.99 - US$145.99
Giant California Carpenter Ants (C. ca02)
Giant Golden Honeypot Ants (M. mexicanus) (PREORDER JUNE 15th SHIPMENT)
US$175.99 - US$259.99
Golden Tailed Ants (C. sansabeanus)
Mini Golden Honeypot Ants (M. navajo) (PREORDER JUNE 15th SHIPMENT)
US$148.99 - US$226.99
The Ant Vault's Gift Card
US$10.00 - US$250.00
25 COUNT - Ant Keeping Sponges
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Bamboo Test Tube | For Ant-Keeping
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Bi-Colored Honeypot Ants (M. mimicus)
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Big-Headed Harvester Ants (P. badius)
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Black Acrobatic Ants (C. lineolata)
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Black Harvester Ants (V. pergandei)
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Cherry-Headed Honeypot Ants (M. placodops)
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Desert Harvester Ants (P. barbatus)
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Desert Leaf-Cutter Ants (A. Versicolor)
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Giant Bi-colored Honeypot Ants (M. mendax)
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Golden Bullet Ants (N. villosa)
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JUMBO Big-Headed Ants
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Jumbo Sun Carpenter Ants (C. fragilis)
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Long Legged Harvester Ants (N. cockerelli)
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MINI Big-Headed Ants
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Sun Carpenter Ants (C. semitestaceus)
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Sunrise Amber Ants (C. castaneus)
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