casent0104612 Profile View p_1: Photo: April Nobile
In Stock
Esprit Fourmis
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Last updated: 15 hours ago
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Cataglyphis bicolor
Number of queens: 1 queen, Number of workers: 1-3 workers
Number of queens: 1 queen, Number of workers: 0 workers
Number of queens: 1 queen, Number of workers: 6-12 workers
Cataglyphis bicolor
Nombre de reines: 1 reine, Nombre d’ouvrières: 0 ouvrières
Nombre de reines: 1 reine, Nombre d’ouvrières: 1-3 ouvrières
Nombre de reines: 1 reine, Nombre d’ouvrières: 6-12 ouvrières
Out of stock
The following ant shops used to sell the species in the past, but do not do so anymore. The ant species is probably sold out/out of stock. You may ask the shops when the species will be back in stock.
Cataglyphis bicolor
Information about Cataglyphis bicolor

Regional distribution

Source: Image, Data