AntCheck was founded in 2020 and got a complete website remake in 2022. The Discord bot runs since 2021.
Shops:There are 158 ant shops, of which 103 are actively crawled and listed. 26 shops are flagged as offline.
25 reviews for shops have been written by customers and 4 of them could not be validated (e.g. missing receipt, incorrect statements, ...).
The AntCheck crawler ran 281578 times to fetch products from shops, succeeding 253493 times. It runs every 1 minute to fetch another shops products.
Our database has 14758 species, of which 855 were sold atleast one time and 367 are being sold right now. All species pages are being clicked 7676767 times in total.
Currently, there are 3104 variants/offers from ant shops. In total, we logged 36586 different offers.
All website users searched 411605 times for a species with 34094 different keywords. (Both search numbers are way higher because it counts search terms multiple times while typing). The most searched term is Camponotus with 11124 searches.
There are 357 users registered, of which 342 are enabled and 25 are shop owner accounts.
Forms:We recorded 202 of inquiries via a contact formular on this website.
Number of images per category: pages: 52, Shops: 2, species: 754
In total there are 808 images.