deWebsite about ants and ant keeping.

Ameisen an die Macht!
de"Ameisen an die Macht!" (AAM) ist eine aktive, v.a. deutschsprachige Community von Ameisenhaltern aller Altersklassen. (1609 members)
deForum from
deForum for ant keeping, help for ant keeping, ant reports and ants as pets.
deAnt forum for keeping, observation and knowledge.

Ant Lounge-DC
de(113 members)

en,deAntCheck Discord Server - No active community.Join to use the bot or talk about AntCheck. (17 members)

deForum for observing and keeping ants and other state-forming insects such as wasps, bees and termites.
Connect to people
Joining a community of ant keepers can significantly enrich your journey in ant keeping. By connecting with fellow enthusiasts, you'll have the chance to share insights, experiences, and advice, while also learning from the diverse perspectives and expertise within the community. Additionally, being part of such a group can offer invaluable support and encouragement as you navigate the complexities of ant care. So why not join a community today and dive deeper into your passion for ants?
There are numerous platforms available to choose from, including Discord, Facebook, Forums, WhatsApp, and many others. You can explore our list above to discover various communities tailored to your preferences.
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