Ants Kalytta

Ants Kalytta has 15 ant colonies and 10 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Camponotus atriceps

Camponotus cf. atriceps


Diacamma spec.

Diacamma sp.


Ectatomma quadridens

Ectatomma quadridens

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Recently updated

Meranoplus bicolor

Meranoplus bicolor


Myrmecia desertorum

Myrmecia cf. desertorum


Myrmecia nigriceps

Myrmecia cf. nigriceps


Myrmecia pavida

Myrmecia cf. pavida


Odontomachus hastatus

Odontomachus hastatus


Solenopsis fugax

Solenopsis fugax


Acromyrmex spec.

Acromyrmex sp.

Out of Stock!

Acromyrmex spec.

Acromyrmex sp. "Paraguay"

Out of Stock!

Aphaenogaster spec.

Aphaenogaster sp.

Out of Stock!

Aphaenogaster spec.

Aphaenogaster sp.

Out of Stock!

Aphaenogaster spec.

Aphaenogaster sp.

Out of Stock!

Aphaenogaster spec.

Aphaenogaster sp. "oriental"

Out of Stock!

Atta mexicana

Atta mexicana

Out of Stock!

Atta sexdens

Atta sexdens

Out of Stock!

Atta spec.

Atta sp. "South America"

Out of Stock!

Camponotus barbaricus

Camponotus barbaricus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus irritans

Camponotus cf. irritans

Out of Stock!

Camponotus nicobarensis

Camponotus cf. nicobarensis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus nigriceps

Camponotus cf. nigriceps

Out of Stock!

Camponotus singularis

Camponotus cf. singularis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus cinctellus

Camponotus cinctellus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus detritus

Camponotus detritus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus festinus

Camponotus festinus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus gigas

Camponotus gigas

Out of Stock!

Camponotus lateralis

Camponotus lateralis

Out of Stock!

Camponotus piceus

Camponotus piceus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus punctulatus

Camponotus punctulatus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus sansabeanus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus sericeus

Camponotus sericeus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp.

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp.

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp.

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp.

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp.

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp.

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. "Africa"

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. "orange"

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. "South America"

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. "Southern Asia"

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. "Sugarants"

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. "Thailand"

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. 6

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus sp. Malaysia

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus spec

Out of Stock!

Camponotus spec.

Camponotus spec.

Out of Stock!

Camponotus storeatus

Camponotus storeatus

Out of Stock!

Camponotus substitutus

Camponotus substitutus

Out of Stock!

Carebara spec.

Carebara sp.

Out of Stock!

Cataglyphis hispanicus

Cataglyphis hispanicus

Out of Stock!

Cataglyphis spec.

Cataglyphis sp. 1

Out of Stock!

Cataglyphis spec.

Cataglyphis sp. 2

Out of Stock!

Cataglyphis spec.

Cataglyphis sp. 3

Out of Stock!

Cataglyphis velox

Cataglyphis velox

Out of Stock!

Crematogaster limata

Crematogaster limata parabiotica, Camponotus femoratus (Ants garden)

Out of Stock!

Crematogaster rogenhoferi

Crematogaster rogenhoferi

Out of Stock!

Crematogaster spec.

Crematogaster spec.

Out of Stock!

Lasius fuliginosus

Dendrolasius fuliginosus

Out of Stock!

Diacamma ceylonense

Diacamma cf. ceylonense

Out of Stock!

Diacamma scalpratum

Diacamma scalpratum

Out of Stock!

Dolichoderus attelaboides

Dolichoderus cf. attelaboides

Out of Stock!

Ectatomma tuberculatum

Ectatomma cf. tuberculatum

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Formica cinerea

Formica (Serviformica) cinerea

Out of Stock!

Formica cunicularia

Formica (Serviformica) cunicularia

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Gigantiops destructor

Gigantiops destructor

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Gnamptogenys spec.

Gnamptogenys sp.

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Harpegnathos saltator

Harpegnathos saltator

Out of Stock!

Harpegnathos venator

Harpegnathos venator

Out of Stock!

Iridomyrmex purpureus

Iridomyrmex cf. purpureus

Out of Stock!

Lasius emarginatus

Lasius emarginatus

Out of Stock!

Leptothorax acervorum

Leptothorax acervorum

Out of Stock!

Megalomyrmex spec.

Megalomyrmex sp.

Out of Stock!

Meranoplus mucronatus

Meranoplus mucronatus

Out of Stock!

Meranoplus spec.

Meranoplus sp.

Out of Stock!

Meranoplus spec.

Meranoplus sp.

Out of Stock!

Messor arenarius

Messor arenarius

Out of Stock!

Messor bouvieri

Messor bouvieri

Out of Stock!

Messor capitatus

Messor capitatus

Out of Stock!

Messor cephalotes

Messor cephalotes

Out of Stock!

Messor ebeninus

Messor cf. ebeninus

Out of Stock!

Messor minor

Messor cf. minor (Northafrica )

Out of Stock!

Messor wasmanni

Messor cf. wasmanni

Out of Stock!

Messor spec.

Messor sp. (Central Africa)

Out of Stock!

Messor spec.

Messor sp. (Nothern Africa)

Out of Stock!

Messor structor

Messor structor

Out of Stock!

Myrmecia fulvipes

Myrmecia cf. fulvipes

Out of Stock!

Myrmecia mandibularis

Myrmecia cf. mandibularis

Out of Stock!

Myrmecia pilosula

Myrmecia cf. pilosula "Jack jumper"

Out of Stock!

Myrmecia pyriformis

Myrmecia pyriformis

Out of Stock!

Myrmecia spec.

Myrmecia sp. tarsata

Out of Stock!

Myrmica scabrinodis

Myrmica scabrinodis

Out of Stock!

Myrmicaria spec.

Myrmicaria sp.

Out of Stock!

Myrmicaria spec.

Myrmicaria sp. "Africa"

Out of Stock!

Neoponera villosa

Neoponera villosa

Out of Stock!

Novomessor cockerelli

Novomessor cockerelli

Out of Stock!

Ocymyrmex spec.

Ocymyrmex sp.

Out of Stock!

Odontomachus rixosus

Odontomachus cf rixosus

Out of Stock!

Odontomachus haematodus

Odontomachus cf. haematodus

Out of Stock!

Odontomachus chelifer

Odontomachus chelifer

Out of Stock!

Odontomachus erythrocephalus

Odontomachus erythrocephalus

Out of Stock!

Odontomachus spec.

Odontomachus sp."black"

Out of Stock!

Odontoponera transversa

Odontoponera transversa

Out of Stock!

Oecophylla longinoda

Oecophylla longinoda

Out of Stock!

Oecophylla smaragdina

Oecophylla smaragdina "green"

Out of Stock!

Ophthalmopone spec.

Ophthalmopone sp.

Out of Stock!

Pachycondyla crassinoda

Pachycondyla cf. crassinoda

Out of Stock!

Paratrechina longicornis

Paratrechina longicornis

Out of Stock!

Pheidole megacephala

Pheidole cf. megacephala

Out of Stock!

Pheidole nodus

Pheidole cf. noda

Out of Stock!

Plagiolepis spec.

Plagiolepis sp.

Out of Stock!

Platythyrea cribrinodis

Platythyrea cribrinodis

Out of Stock!

Pogonomyrmex rugosus

Pogonomyrmex rugosus

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis armata

Polyrhachis cf. armata

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis beccarii

Polyrhachis cf. beccarii

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis illaudata

Polyrhachis cf. illaudata

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis spec.

Polyrhachis sp.

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis spec.

Polyrhachis sp. 2

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis spec.

Polyrhachis sp. 3

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis spec.

Polyrhachis sp. 7

Out of Stock!

Polyrhachis spec.

Polyrhachis sp. 8 "Erdbewohner"

Out of Stock!

Proatta butteli

Proatta butteli

Out of Stock!

Pseudomyrmex spec.

Pseudomyrmex sp.

Out of Stock!

Pseudomyrmex spec.

Pseudomyrmex sp.

Out of Stock!

Rhytidoponera aspera

Rhytidoponera aspersa

Out of Stock!

Rhytidoponera metallica

Rhytidoponera metallica

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax affinis

Temnothorax cf. affinis

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax interruptus

Temnothorax interruptus

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax nylanderi

Temnothorax nylanderi

Out of Stock!

Temnothorax unifasciatus

Temnothorax unifasciatus

Out of Stock!

Tetramorium impurum

Tetramorium impurum

Out of Stock!

Tetraponera rufonigra

Tetraponera rufonigra

Out of Stock!

Ponera spec.

Tetraponera sp. "orange"

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

Pachycondyla apicalis




Red Foil

€3.19 - €4.12

Stainless steel grid

€2.52 - €5.04



Tweezers of spring steel


Carebara (Pheidologeton) sp.

Out of Stock!

Cephalotes (Cryptocerus) cf. pusillus

Out of Stock!

Formica (Serviformica) lusatica (polygyn)

Out of Stock!

Heatpack 20+

Out of Stock!

Heatpack 40+

Out of Stock!

Pachycondyla cf tridentata

Out of Stock!

Pachycondyla cf. crenata

Out of Stock!

Pachycondyla cf. verenae

Out of Stock!

Pheidologeton cf. affinis

Out of Stock!

Pheidologeton diversus

Out of Stock!

Pheidologeton sp. "matt"

Out of Stock!

Tapinoma ambiguum

Out of Stock!