
CanadaAntColony has 23 ant colonies and 96 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Myrmica rubra

Myrmica rubra (European Fire Ant)

Out of Stock!

Tapinoma melanocephalum

Tapinoma melanocephalum

Out of Stock!
inventory All other products

Ant Colony Voucher


Articulated Ant Figurine


Beobia Mini Re_


Buckeye Myrmecology Rock Nest - Small

C$40.49 - C$52.49

Buckeye Myrmecology Stick Nest - Small

C$37.49 - C$49.49

Burrowing Sand for Ants - 1kg


byFormica® Beach Color Liquid Feeders Mini Pack (4 piece)


byFormica® Individual Micro (1ml) Feeder


byFormica® Individual Mini (2.5ml) Feeder


byFormica® Liquid Feeders Mini Pack (4 piece)


byFormica® Liquid Feeders Mini Pack (Small)


byFormica® Sunburst™ Ant Nectar

C$25.99 - C$48.99

Canada Ant Colony T-shirt


Clear Vinyl Tubing (1/2", 12.7mm Outer Diameter) (3/8", 9.5mm Inner Diameter)

C$2.49 - C$13.49

Clear Vinyl Tubing (3/8", 9.5mm Outer Diameter) (1/4", 6.35 mm Inner Diameter)

C$4.49 - C$10.49

Comprehensive Ant Nature Study


Digital Ant Colony Voucher


Down The Ant Hill Outworld

C$34.99 - C$54.99

Esthetic Ants Red Shield for Mesh Nests

C$7.99 - C$18.99

Esthetic Ants Red Shield for Ytong Nests

C$10.99 - C$17.99

Esthetic Ants: Extra Large Ytong - Type B

C$219.99 - C$269.99

Esthetic Ants: Large Mesh Nest

C$76.99 - C$126.99

Esthetic Ants: Large Ytong - Type A | The Tower

C$119.99 - C$139.99

Esthetic Ants: Large Ytong - Type B

C$74.99 - C$124.99

Esthetic Ants: Medium Mesh Nest

C$57.99 - C$107.99

Esthetic Ants: Medium Ytong - Type A | The Tower

C$66.99 - C$116.99

Esthetic Ants: Medium Ytong - Type B

C$54.99 - C$104.99

Esthetic Ants: Small Ytong - Type A | The Tower

C$75.99 - C$95.99

Esthetic Ants: Small Ytong - Type B

C$37.99 - C$87.99

Esthetic Ants: XL Mesh Nest

C$102.49 - C$155.49


C$5.49 - C$20.49

Featherweight Forceps


Fluon PTFE 10ml with Wand-Style Applicator


Fluon PTFE 20 mL Squeeze Bottle


Foranto Medium Beech Wood Nest


Foranto Medium Cork Nest with Foraging Area


Foranto Medium Nest with Hydration


Foranto Small Cork Nest with Foraging Area


Foranto Wood Disc Nest- 5 cm Diameter


Foranto Wood Expanding Nest with Hydration


Foranto Wood Nests- 8 x 6


FREE Mini Ant Nature Study!


Hold for Weather (If Weather is below -16 C, We Hold Shipping until Temps Are Suitable). If unselected, live guarantee is VOID


Hose transparent

C$2.49 - C$4.49

Itsa: Ant Nest Starter Kit

C$90.99 - C$140.99

Magnolia Leaves


Red Iron Plaster Dye

C$4.49 - C$12.49

Repashy SuperFly Fruitfly Culture Medium

C$18.49 - C$29.49

Roach Colony Starter Kit


Starter Supply Kit


Steel-tipped tweezers


test product


Test Tube Array Formicarium with Plastic Inserts

C$35.49 - C$55.49

Test Tube Array Formicarium with Sand

C$40.49 - C$58.49

Test Tube Port - 2 Tube 12.7


Test Tube Port - 3 Tube 12.7


Test Tube Port - 3 Tube 9.5


Test Tube Port - 4 Tube 12.7


Test Tube Port - 4 Tube 9.5


Water Evaporator Module 10 ML


Water Evaporator Module 15 ML


Water Evaporator Module 5 ML


Wholesale Package A


Window Test Tube Array Formicarium Plastic texture 12.7mm (1/2 Inch)


Window Test Tube Array Formicarium Sanded texture 12.7mm (1/2 Inch)


Winter Live Guarantee: November 1 to April 15 (Heat pack + 1 inch foam cushion)


Wise Flour Beetles


Zoo Med Mini Deep Dome Lamp Fixture


Zoo Med Nocturnal Infrared Heat Lamps 100 Watt


Zoo Med Nocturnal Infrared Heat Lamps 50 Watt


Zoo Med Nocturnal Infrared Heat Lamps 75 Watt


Zoo Med Repti Heat Cable 3.5 meters


_Additional Price


AntCatcherStudio Founding Queen Nest

Out of Stock!

Beobia Re_

Out of Stock!

ByFormica Fluon (Pack of 3)

Out of Stock!

byFormica Liquid Feeder MEGA 10ml (2pc)

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Desert Color Liquid Feeders Mini Pack (4 piece)

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Forest Color Liquid Feeders Mini Pack (4 piece)

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Individual Mega (10ml) Liquid Feeders

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Individual Mini (5ml) Feeders

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Liquid Feeder MICRO 1ml (16pc)

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Liquid Feeder MICRO 1ml (6pc)

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Liquid Feeder Mini (6pc)

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Liquid Feeders Mega (16ml) 2 pack

Out of Stock!

byFormica® Liquid Feeders Variety Pack (Large)

Out of Stock!

Culture Tube Formicarium 16x125 mm

Out of Stock!

Esthetic Ants: Extra Large Ytong - Type A

Out of Stock!

Esthetic Ants: Small mesh nest

Out of Stock!

Esthetic Ants: Tiny Ytong - Type A | The Tower

Out of Stock!

Flightless Fruit Fly Culture

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Foranto Small Branch Wood Nests ~15cm tall

Out of Stock!

Foranto Wood Disc Nest- 7cm Diameter

Out of Stock!

Foranto Wood Nests- 6 x 6

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Foranto Wood Nests- 8 x 9 cm

Out of Stock!

Giant Californian Carpenter Ant (Camponotus US-CA02) California ONLY

Out of Stock!

Insect Pooter

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Large Alvar Biome Outworld

Out of Stock!

Large Black Oak Savannah Biome Outworld

Out of Stock!

Large Blank Outworld

Out of Stock!

Large Boreal Biome Outworld

Out of Stock!

Large Carolinian Biome Outworld

Out of Stock!

Large Desert Biome Outworld

Out of Stock!

Lesser mealworms

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Medium Hydrostone Nest

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ProBugs Eco-Fresh Centipedes

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ProBugs Eco-Fresh Dubia Cockroach

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ProBugs Eco-Fresh Grasshopper

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ProBugs Eco-Fresh Rice Worms

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ProBugs Eco-Fresh Scorpion

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ProBugs Eco-Fresh Silkworm Pupae

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ProBugs Eco-Fresh Silkworms

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ProBugs Eco-Fresh Superworms

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Repashy SuperFly Fruitfly Culturing Kit

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Reticulitermes hesperus (Western Subterranean Termite)

Out of Stock!

Small Alvar Biome Outworld

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Small Black Oak Savannah Biome Outworld

Out of Stock!

Small Blank Outworld

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Small Boreal Biome Outworld

Out of Stock!

Small Carolinian Biome Outworld

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Small Desert Outworld

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Small Plain Outworld

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Test Tube Port - 2 Tube 9.5

Out of Stock!
Recently updated

Universal 3-in 1 clip-on Macro lens

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White Temperate Springtail Culture

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White Tropical Springtail Culture

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Zoo Med Repti Heat Cable 4.5 meters

Out of Stock!

Zoo Med ReptiTherm Under Tank Heater (10-20 Gal.) 6" x 8"

Out of Stock!

Zoo Med ReptiTherm Under Tank Heater (50-60 Gal.) 8" x 18"

Out of Stock!

Zoo Med ReptiTherm Under Tank Heater Mini (1-5 Gal.) 4" x 5"

Out of Stock!

Zootermopsis angusticollis (Pacific Dampwood Termites)

Out of Stock!