Lasius neoniger

Lasius neoniger is being sold by 4 shops with a total of 8 variants. The last offer update by the latest shop was 2 weeks ago.

imageImage: Eastern Missouri, 38.5 deg. N., USA. Lasius neoniger flew 28 October 2014, in calm, sunny weather with temperature in the low 80's F (upper 20's C). This is the "Labor Day Ant" (flies around the first Monday in September) in the north, but in peninsular Florida, it could be called the "Thanksgiving Day Ant" (last Thursday in November) (James Trager).: AntWiki

Ant species offers

More shops / out of stock

The following ant shops used to sell the species in the past, but do not do so anymore. The ant species is probably sold out/out of stock. You may ask the shops when the species will be back in stock.

More information about Lasius neoniger