Stateside Ants

Stateside Ants has 14 ant colonies and 9 other products in stock.

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Shipping live ants from the USA may be prohibited, even between states

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ant Ant colonies
Recently updated

Lasius brevicornis

American Yellow Meadow Ants (Lasius brevicornis)

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Crematogaster cerasi

Black Acrobat Ants (Crematogaster cerasi)


Pogonomyrmex rugosus

Black Harvester Ants (Pogonomyrmex rugosus)

US$62.99 - US$96.99

Crematogaster lineolata

Alternate Acrobat Ants (Crematogaster lineolata)

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Messor pergandei

Black Desert Harvester Ants (Veromessor pergandei)

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Pogonomyrmex californicus

Californian Harvester Ants (Pogonomyrmex californicus)

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Pheidole obtusospinosa

Canyon Big-Headed Ants (Pheidole obtusospinosa)

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Novomessor cockerelli

Desert Long-Legged Ants (Novomessor cockerelli)

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Aphaenogaster floridana

Florida Long-Legged Ants (Aphaenogaster floridana)

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Pheidole hyatti

Hairy Southwestern Big-Headed Ants (Pheidole hyatti)

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Pogonomyrmex maricopa

Maricopa Harvester Ants (Pogonomyrmex maricopa)

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Dorymyrmex bureni

Orange Pyramid Ants (Dorymyrmex bureni)

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Crematogaster pinicola

Pine Tree Acrobat Ants (Crematogaster pinicola)

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Dorymyrmex grandulus

Silver Pyramid Ants (Dorymyrmex grandulus)

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Solenopsis xyloni

Southern Fire Ants (Solenopsis xyloni)

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Acromyrmex versicolor

Southwestern Leafcutter Ant (Acromyrmex versicolor)

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Pogonomyrmex occidentalis

Starter Kit x Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Harvester Ants)

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Lasius americanus

Woodland Lasius Ants (Lasius americanus)

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inventory All other products

byFormica Mega Liquid Feeder


byFormica Micro Liquid Feeder


byFormica Mini Liquid Feeder


byFormica Sunburst Ant Nectar

US$19.99 - US$34.99



Glass Test Tubes 16 Pack


Harvester Ant Seed Mix (2x3'' packet)


Nest Pack Starter Kit



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Heating Cable (15w, 11.5ft)

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Small Outworld

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Square Outworld 2.0

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Starter Bundle - Black Harvester Ants

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Starter Bundle - Chestnut Carpenter Ants

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Starter Bundle - Common Big-Headed Ants

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Starter Bundle - Large Harvester Ants

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Starter Bundle - Pavement Ants

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Starter Bundle - Western Harvester Ants

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Recently updated

Test Tube Formicarium

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The Ant Chamber

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Topaz Nest

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