Product History

History of the product 'Formikárium Start' from the shop 'AntsEurope'.

Product Overview

Product History

All-time, detailed history of the product and its variants since start of the record (2024-12-24, 1 month ago)
2024-12-24 14:01:58 (1 month ago)

Newly Added

Variant Samostatný výběh:
Newly Added

Variant Napáječka na 5 ml zkumavku:
Newly Added

Variant 3+1 zdarma (celkem 4x hnízdo + 4x aréna):
Newly Added

Variant Set: 3 hnízda + 1 výběh:
Newly Added

Variant Set: 2 hnízda + 1 výběh:
Newly Added

Variant Set: hnízdo + výběh:
Newly Added