Product History

History of the product 'Vietnamese flat rock scorpion (Euscorpiops vachoni)' from the shop 'My Home Nature'.

Product Overview

Product History

All-time, detailed history of the product and its variants since start of the record (2024-12-25, 1 month ago)
2025-01-29 17:11:55 (3 days ago)

Variant Sub-Adult / Pair:
price: 359

2025-01-27 17:04:05 (5 days ago)

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
price: 389 390

2025-01-25 16:55:49 (1 week ago)

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
price: 390 389

2025-01-22 16:43:53 (1 week ago)

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
price: 390

2025-01-21 16:40:13 (1 week ago)

max_price: 459.00 460.00

Variant Adult / Pair:
price: 459 460

2025-01-17 16:23:52 (2 weeks ago)

max_price: 459.00

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
price: 390 389

Variant Adult / Pair:
price: 459

2025-01-16 16:19:59 (2 weeks ago)

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
price: 390

2025-01-14 16:12:01 (2 weeks ago)

max_price: 459.00 460.00

Variant Adult / Pair:
price: 459 460

2025-01-13 16:08:00 (2 weeks ago)

max_price: 460.00 459.00

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
price: 390 389

Variant Adult / Pair:
price: 460 459

2025-01-11 15:59:55 (3 weeks ago)

max_price: 460.00

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
price: 390

Variant Adult / Pair:
price: 460

2025-01-07 15:43:52 (3 weeks ago)

Variant Sub-Adult / Random Sex:
price: 194 195

2025-01-06 15:38:52 (3 weeks ago)

Variant Sub-Adult / Random Sex:
price: 195 194

2025-01-02 15:22:46 (4 weeks ago)

min_price: 125.00
max_price: 459.00

Variant Juvenile / Random Sex:
price: 125

Variant Adult / Pair:
price: 459

Variant Sub-Adult / Random Sex:
price: 195

Variant Sub-Adult / Pair:
price: 358

2025-01-01 15:18:43 (1 month ago)

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
price: 388 389

2024-12-25 07:11:36 (1 month ago)

Newly Added

Variant Juvenile / Random Sex:
Newly Added

Variant Adult / Random Sex:
Newly Added

Variant Adult / Pair:
Newly Added

Variant Sub-Adult / Random Sex:
Newly Added

Variant Sub-Adult / Pair:
Newly Added