Product History

History of the product 'Phasme Scorpion ou à tiare - Extatosoma tiaratum' from the shop 'L'Insecterie'.

Product Overview

Phasme Scorpion ou à tiare - Extatosoma tiaratum


Product History

All-time, detailed history of the product and its variants since start of the record (2024-12-25, 1 month ago)
2025-01-10 14:41:38 (3 weeks ago)

min_price: 42.00 25.00
max_price: 42.00 25.00

Variant lot de 4 (M+F) / Facile à élever:
price: 42 25

2025-01-02 14:30:38 (4 weeks ago)

min_price: 35.00 42.00
max_price: 35.00 42.00

Variant lot de 4 (M+F) / Facile à élever:
price: 35 42

2024-12-25 00:34:26 (1 month ago)

Newly Added

Variant lot de 4 (M+F) / Facile à élever:
Newly Added