Product Overview
Camponotus auriventris (January 2025) Wrong identifcation reported, should be C. parius
Camponotus auriventris (January 2025) Wrong identifcation reported, should be C. parius
C$35.88 - C$39.47
All-time, detailed history of the product and its variants since start of the record (2024-12-25, 1 month ago)2024-12-25 00:33:41 (1 month ago)
Newly Added
Variant 1 queen | 6-12 workers & brood:
Newly Added
Variant 1 queen | 2-4 workers & brood:
Newly Added
Variant 1 queen | 25-32 workers & brood:
Newly Added
Variant 1 queen & brood:
Newly Added