
FlexAnts has 23 ant colonies and 13 other products in stock.

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ant Ant colonies

Acromyrmex lundii

Acromyrmex Lundii


Aphaenogaster rothneyi

Aphaenogaster cf. rothneyi

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Camponotus arrogans

Camponotus arrogans


Camponotus mutilarius

Camponotus mutilarius


Myrmoteras binghamii

Myrmoteras binghamii

US$53.97 - US$70.17

Mystrium camillae

Mystrium camillae (Dracula Ant)

US$70.17 - US$75.57
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Acanthomyrmex thailandensis

acanthomyrmex thailandensis

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Aphaenogaster senilis

Aphaenogaster senilis

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Camponotus aethiops

Camponotus aethiops

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Camponotus castaneus

Camponotus castaneus

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Camponotus cruentatus

Camponotus cruentatus

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Camponotus japonicus

Camponotus japonicus

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Camponotus lateralis

Camponotus lateralis

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Camponotus ligniperda

Camponotus ligniperda

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Camponotus pilicornis

Camponotus pilicornis

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Camponotus siemsseni

Camponotus siemsseni

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Camponotus sylvaticus

Camponotus sylvaticus

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Diacamma rugosum

Diacamma rugosum

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Diacamma scalpratum

Diacamma scalpratum

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Messor structor

Messor structor

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Monomorium subopacum

Monomorium subopacum

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Myrmecia nigrocincta

Myrmecia nigrocinta

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Novomessor albisetosus

Novomessor albisetosus

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Odontomachus chelifer

Odontomachus Chelifer

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Odontomachus haematodus

Odontomachus haematodus

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Odontomachus rixosus

Odontomachus rixosus

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Pogonomyrmex bicolor

pogonomyrmex bicolor

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Polyrhachis laboriosa

Polyrhachis laboriosa

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inventory All other products

Acrylglas Rohre, Verbinder 32mm

US$6.47 - US$8.63

Ameisen Nest klein Liegend


Geschenk Gutschein

US$10.80 - US$107.97



Körner Mischung


Pipette 3ml


Pseudoponera rufipes

US$53.97 - US$64.77

Sand Lehm Gemisch Bodensubstrat "Rot"

US$2.69 - US$4.31

Sand Lehm Gemisch Bodensubstrat "Wüste"


Seramis Feuchtigkeitsgranulat

US$2.69 - US$3.77

Terrarienhumus aus Kokos Fasern


Tropische Springschwänze


Ameisen Nester Typ "Messor"

Out of Stock!

Ameisen Tränke 50ml

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Formicarium mit Bohrung

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Heizmatte 5W

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Invertzucker Wasser gemisch, Zuckerwasser gemisch

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Lucihormetica verrucos (Leuchtpunkt Schaben)

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Mehlwürmer (Tenebrio Molitor)

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Schokoschaben (Shelfordella lateralis)

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weiße Asseln (Trichorhina tormentosa) Zuchtansatz

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Zophobas (Schwarzkäferlarven)

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