Price history

View the price and product history of the shop FourmiCulture and the species Camponotus claripes.

Link to the last product page of Camponotus claripes. (Link might be dead!)

• Camponotus claripes is a beautiful species from Australia forming small colonies often hunting on tree trunks. Rather easy to breed, it is elegant with its black coloration and light legs. AU$194.33

• camponotus claripes is a pretty species of Ḥ#8217; Australia forming small colonies often hunted on the trunks of AK#8217; tree. rather easy to raise, it is elegant with its black coloring and clear legs. AU$194.33

• Camponotus claripes est une jolie espèce d’Australie formant de petites colonies souvent en chasse sur les troncs d’arbre. Plutôt facile à élever, elle est élégante avec sa coloration noire et les pattes claires. AU$194.33

• - Colony with Queen and workers AU$194.33

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